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Chapter 16: Analysis and Design (a short introduction) ● As engineers in other desciplines do, it necessary for real projects to “analyse” and “design”

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 16: Analysis and Design (a short introduction) ● As engineers in other desciplines do, it necessary for real projects to “analyse” and “design”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 16: Analysis and Design (a short introduction) ● As engineers in other desciplines do, it necessary for real projects to “analyse” and “design” before (or in parallel to) coding ● There are many methodolgies that have been introduced for full life-cycle of software: – Waterfall – Rational Unified Process – Extreme Programming – Interaction design – etc. ● However, we can recognise some phases (deciplines) which are usally done for any methodology

2 Phase 0 – Make a plan ● Before starting any real project we should have a plan for building it. ● A plan says things like following to us: – Statement of work (mission) – Tasks and times for each – Resources – Deliverables

3 Phase 1- What we are making (a.k.a. Requirement analysis and specification) ● In OOP we normally create use case diagrams and use case specifications for this phase. Those diagrams specify following: ● Who will use the system (Actors) ● What can those actors do with the system ● How does this actor do that with the system ● What problems may happen when doing this with the system

4 Use case diagram example

5 Phase 2: how we build this ● We should create a solution for each use case. ● Solutions are provided by: ● Designing classes (interfaces) ● Specifying relationships between classes (class diagrams) ● Providing a solution for a use case with the use of designed classes (Sequence diagrams or collaboration diagrams)

6 Object design stages 1. Object discovery. 2. Object assembly. 3. System construction. 4. System extension. 5. Object reuse.

7 Phase 3: build the core ● Establishing core of the system architecture that needs to be implemented to have a running system ● This is an initial framework that you can build on with further iterations ● For example we may only produce user interfaces with little or no functionality ● This helps find any misunderstandings, errors and problems in specification or design

8 Phase 4: Iterate the use cases ● At each iteration, we add some functionality to the core ● Then we build the (new) system, test it and will be ready for next iteration ● An iteration is a 1 to 3 weeks period ● It is better to start with critical parts of the system at the early iterations: ● Parts that maybe not well understood ● Those that needs some sophisticated algorithm/protocol ● Part that the team is not well suited with it

9 Phase 5: Evolutions (AKA maintenance) ● This includes following activities: ● Adding new functionality to the system ● Changing functionality ● Debugging ● Code re-factoring ● For better performance ● To make library of reusable components

10 Extreme programming idioms ● Write tests first: ● This helps to find missing functionalities ● Also helps in finding misunderstandings ● Pair programming ● One person types the code ● Other one watches him/her and notify problems (thinker) ● The value is that thinker creates a big picture in mind while the other one is coding ● There is less chance that tests left behind

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