Day 1 A favorite in the court of King James I, the poet and playwright, Ben Jonson, exercised great influence over English literature. The young writers.

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Presentation on theme: "Day 1 A favorite in the court of King James I, the poet and playwright, Ben Jonson, exercised great influence over English literature. The young writers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 1 A favorite in the court of King James I, the poet and playwright, Ben Jonson, exercised great influence over English literature. The young writers who flocked to Jonson, calling themselves the Sons of Ben, included the century’s best-known poets. Use of quotation marks to call attention to words or phrases Use of hyphen with compound modifier Elimination of commas with restrictive appositive

2 Day 1 A favorite in the court of King James I, the poet and playwright Ben Jonson exercised great influence over English literature. Elimination of commas with restrictive appositive The young writers who flocked to Jonson, calling themselves the “Sons of Ben,” included the century’s best known poets. Use of quotation marks to call attention to words or phrases Use of hyphen with compound modifier

3 Day 2 For the all important royal court, Jonson prepared masques--elaborate shows that include his best poems, as well as song, dance, and allegorical stories. His deceptively simple poems were the result of hard work; of “Song, To Ceclia,” he claimed that he had sweated it into shape. Use of quotation marks to show speaker’s exact words Use of hyphen with prefix all- Correct use of dashes to set off explanatory information

4 Day 2 For the all-important royal court, Jonson prepared masques--elaborate shows that include his best poems--as well as song, dance, and allegorical stories. Use of hyphen with prefix all- Correct use of dashes to set off explanatory information His deceptively simple poems were the result of hard work; of “Song, To Ceclia,” he claimed that he had “sweated it into shape.” Use of quotation marks to show speaker’s exact words

5 Use of commas with nonrestrictive clause
Day 3 Robert Herrick was a minister. He was influenced by Ben Jonson. He took England’s lush countryside as a subject. Herrick who never married penned some great love poems, addressing it to ladies, who may not have been real. Use of commas with nonrestrictive clause Pronoun agreement with antecedent Elimination of commas with restrictive clause Revision of choppy sentences

6 Day 3 Influenced by Ben Jonson, Robert Herrick was a minister who took England’s lush countryside as a subject. Revision of choppy sentences Herrick, who never married, penned some great love poems, addressing them to ladies who may not have been real. Use of commas with nonrestrictive clause Pronoun agreement with antecedent Elimination of commas with restrictive clause

7 Correct capitalization in title Correction of commonly confused words
Day 4 As other Cavaliers, Richard Lovelace spent his personal fortune and many years in prison in support of King Charles. “To Lucasta, on going to the Wars” exemplifies his principle theme, loyalty in love and war. Correct capitalization in title Correction of commonly confused words Correct use of preposition like

8 Day 4 Like other Cavaliers, Richard Lovelace spent his personal fortune and many years in prison in support of King Charles. Correct use of preposition like “To Lucasta, on Going to the Wars” exemplifies his principal theme, loyalty in love and war. Correct capitalization in title Correction of commonly confused words

9 Subject and verb agreement Correction of commonly confused words
Day 5 In spite of the fact that he is remembered as a poet, Andrew Marvell’s chief interest in life was his role in Parliament and representative government. He wrote only a few poems, beneath there witty surface lies the serious concerns of a Puritan thinker. Subject and verb agreement Correction of commonly confused words Revision of wordy sentence Correction of run-on sentence

10 Day 5 _______________________ In spite of the fact that he is Remembered as a poet, Andrew Marvell’s chief interest in life was his role in Parliament and representative government. Revision of wordy sentence He wrote only a few poems; beneath their witty surface lie the serious concerns of a Puritan thinker. Correction of run-on sentence Correction of commonly confused words Subject and verb agreement

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