Using GIS for Utility Mapping and Asset Management Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, and Water Distribution City of Mason City Jessy Willadsen - Mason City.

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Presentation on theme: "Using GIS for Utility Mapping and Asset Management Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, and Water Distribution City of Mason City Jessy Willadsen - Mason City."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using GIS for Utility Mapping and Asset Management Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, and Water Distribution City of Mason City Jessy Willadsen - Mason City GIS Analyst

2 First Question: Why include utilities into your GIS? View information graphically. View different layers together. Store attribute information about features. Link features to scanned records. You only have to store the location of features once. 80-90% of data maintained by government has a spatial component.

3 Looking at the intersection without utilities in your GIS

4 Final Product

5 Paper Records, Scanning, and Document linking

6 Where do you start? Went to each department to evaluate what their GIS needs were. Features requested Attributes needed Potential use of data (use this for prioritization) Planned source to collect the features and what method will be used to create the data.

7 Needs Assessment What GIS layers should be created. What data will be needed to create these GIS layers. Where is this data located. Prioritize what GIS layers will be created first.

8 Page out of Needs Assessment

9 Creating data GPS Data collection: Collect features by GPS and import them into the GIS system. Aerial photography interpretation: Example, you can see manholes in the aerial photography. Measurements from known locations: Example: Measure water valve from the center of the road or from property corners.

10 Purchase of Survey Grade GPS In 2008, the City purchased survey grade GPS equipment. The Leica GPS 1200 unit utilizes the Iowa Real Time Network. Using a cellular modem, the GPS controller receives correction data from the internet in real time.

11 GPS

12 GPS Components

13 Handheld GPS

14 GPS Points

15 Utility Lines drawn in using GPS data to aid in location

16 Aerial Photography interpretation

17 Aerial Photography Interpretation Continued

18 Measurements

19 Engineering and Operations & Maintenance Priorities Sanitary Sewer System Storm Sewer System Water Distribution System Road infrastructure

20 Sanitary Sewer Primary Features: –Mains –Manholes Other features Mapped: –Caps and plugs –Cleanout –Private mains and manholes –Service lines including wyes and stubs –Repairs

21 Sanitary Sewer Evolution CAD Files converted to GIS Improvement of location in GIS of Mains and Manholes Link to external database Link to field books for each service Link to CCTV sewer videos. Link to sewer profiles. Repair Mapping

22 Sanitary Sewer Future Development / Ideas Maintain existing functionality Complete GPS collection of all manholes Map service connections Scan plans and link to GIS.

23 Sanitary Sewer Common attributes Pipe Material Pipe Size More?

24 Auto Cad File

25 Manhole Inspections Database

26 Sewer CCTV

27 As-Built Plans

28 Sanitary Sewer Property Records

29 Page from Sanitary Sewer Field Book

30 Sanitary Sewer Profile Sheet

31 Sanitary Sewer Reference Book

32 Sanitary Sewer GIS Data

33 Water Distribution Primary Features –Valves –Hydrants –Mains –Junctions Other features Mapped –Service lines –Cutoffs and Corporation –Turning zones and Flushing routes –Main breaks –Wells, Water Towers, Booster Stations, and reservoirs –Reducers and Hydra- stoppers

34 Water Distribution Evolution No Usable CAD files to import GPS collected valves and hydrants Draw mains using water book as reference. Used database as reference also which contained measurements from the center of the road and sidewalk.

35 Water Service Property Card

36 Water Utility Database

37 Water Service Database Record

38 Water Distribution Features Link to external database for valves and hydrants Link to external database for service points

39 Water Distribution Typical Attributes Pipe Material Pipe Diameter Valve Type (Main or Hydrant) Cutoff Address

40 Water Distribution Future Development/Ideas Maintain existing advancements. Migrate the microsoft access database to an enterprise database such as postgre. Scan service records for each water service and link to GIS. Continue GPS collecting Valves, Hydrants, and Water Cutoffs. Link service data to cutoffs.

41 Water Book

42 Water Book Page

43 Water Book Closer Look

44 Water Distribution GIS

45 Water Distribution GIS Continued

46 Storm Sewer Primary Features –Main –Intake –Manhole –Discharge

47 Storm Sewer Other features Mapped –Abandoned pipe –Districts –Lift Station –Private mains, intakes –Services

48 Storm Sewer Auto Cad File

49 Storm Sewer Features in the Field




53 Storm Sewer Features in the Imagery

54 Storm Sewer Features GPS collection

55 Storm Sewer Features in the GIS

56 Storm Sewer Profile Sheet

57 Aerial no Mason City Utilities

58 Aerial with Mason City Utilities

59 The End Questions Comments

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