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Ragib Hasan University of Alabama at Birmingham CS 491/691/791 Fall 2012 Lecture 2 08/21/2012 Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing.

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Presentation on theme: "Ragib Hasan University of Alabama at Birmingham CS 491/691/791 Fall 2012 Lecture 2 08/21/2012 Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ragib Hasan University of Alabama at Birmingham CS 491/691/791 Fall 2012 Lecture 2 08/21/2012 Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing

2 Basic security concepts 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 20112 Goal 1.Crash course on computer security!! 1.Learn how to analyze the security of a system/scheme in a systematic manner. 2.Examine cloud computing threat model by examining the assets, vulnerabilities, entry points, and actors in a cloud

3 What is computer security? In a nutshell – – Knowing who is who, for real !! (authentication) – Keeping bad guys out, letting good guys in (authorization) – Ensuring secrecy of sensitive info (confidentiality and privacy) – Making sure no one broke anything (integrity) – Preventing bad guys from paralyzing systems through resource starvation (availability) 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 20113

4 What makes computer security different from most other CS topics? Security is mostly a human problem Most security problems are as old as human civilization itself!! 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 20114

5 Authentication Problem: How do we verify the identity of an entity? Solution: Use the common authentication factors: – What you know – What you have – What you are – Who you know How does it relate to a cloud? 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 20115

6 Authorization Problem: How do we figure out what an entity is allowed to access or do? Solution: Use access control rules/models/roles, capabilities, etc. How does it relate to a cloud? 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 20116

7 Confidentiality and Privacy Problem: How can we keep secret information secret? (i.e., prevent unauthorized entities from reading it) Solution: Encryption How does it relate to a cloud? 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 20117

8 Integrity Problem: How can we prevent/detect unauthorized modification of objects? Solution: Tamper proofing (hard to do!!) Tamper evidence (via signatures, hashes) How does it relate to a cloud? 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 20118

9 Availability Problem: How can we prevent malicious parties from overloading our system? Solution: Throttling, puzzles, ip blacklisting How does it relate to a cloud? 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 20119

10 Threat Model A threat model helps in analyzing a security problem, design mitigation strategies, and evaluate solutions Steps: – Identify attackers, assets, threats, and other components – Rank the threats – Choose mitigation strategies – Build solutions based on the strategies 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 201110

11 Threat Model Basic components Attacker modeling – Choose what attacker to consider – Attacker motivation and capabilities Assets / Attacker Goals Vulnerabilities / threats 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 201111

12 Recall: Cloud Computing Stack 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 201112

13 Recall: Cloud Architecture 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 201113 Client SaaS / PaaS Provider Cloud Provider (IaaS)

14 Attackers 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 201114

15 Who is the attacker? 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 201115 Insider? Malicious employees at client Malicious employees at Cloud provider Cloud provider itself Outsider? Intruders Network attackers?

16 Attacker Capability: Malicious Insiders At client – Learn passwords/authentication information – Gain control of the VMs At cloud provider – Log client communication 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 201116

17 Attacker Capability: Cloud Provider What? – Can read unencrypted data – Can possibly peek into VMs, or make copies of VMs – Can monitor network communication, application patterns 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 201117

18 Attacker motivation: Cloud Provider Why? – Gain information about client data – Gain information on client behavior – Sell the information or use itself Why not? – Cheaper to be honest? Why? (again) – Third party clouds? 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 201118

19 Attacker Capability: Outside attacker What? – Listen to network traffic (passive) – Insert malicious traffic (active) – Probe cloud structure (active) – Launch DoS 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 201119

20 Assets 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 201120

21 Threat Model Basic components Attacker modeling – Choose what attacker to consider – Attacker motivation and capabilities Assets / Attacker Goals Vulnerabilities / threats 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 201121

22 Attacker goals: Outside attackers Intrusion Network analysis Man in the middle Cartography 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 201122

23 Assets (Attacker goals) Confidentiality: – Data stored in the cloud – Configuration of VMs running on the cloud – Identity of the cloud users – Location of the VMs running client code 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 201123

24 Assets (Attacker goals) Integrity – Data stored in the cloud – Computations performed on the cloud 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 201124

25 Assets (Attacker goals) Availability – Cloud infrastructure – SaaS / PaaS 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 201125

26 Threats 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 201126

27 Organizing the threats using STRIDE Spoofing identity Tampering with data Repudiation Information disclosure Denial of service Elevation of privilege 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 201127

28 Typical threats 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 201128 [STRIDE]

29 Typical threats (contd.) 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 201129 [STRIDE]

30 Summary A threat model helps in designing appropriate defenses against particular attackers Your solution and security countermeasures will depend on the particular threat model you want to address 8/18/2011Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 201130

31 8/18/201131Ragib Hasan | UAB CIS | CS491/691/791 Fall 2011 Further Reading Frank Swiderski and Window Snyder, “Threat Modeling “, Microsoft Press, 2004 The STRIDE Threat Model

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