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Processes of Development Colonalism. Learning outcomes Understand the processes which are responsible for the variations in development Define colonialism.

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Presentation on theme: "Processes of Development Colonalism. Learning outcomes Understand the processes which are responsible for the variations in development Define colonialism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Processes of Development Colonalism

2 Learning outcomes Understand the processes which are responsible for the variations in development Define colonialism Understand the impact of colonialism on development Identify the gains and losses associated with colonialism

3 Colonialism and development From the mid- fifteenth century onwards, powerful European countries began to explore There were 3 main motives: Desire to discover new places Take Christianity to other people Exploitation: the craving to gain wealth and territory

4 Europeans Europeans discovered new lands in Asia, Africa and the Americas They settled, traded and took possession of them either by treaty or by force By end of 19 th century much of the world was controlled by European countries either directly as part of their empires or indirectly through the power held be colonial settlers

5 Colonialism The establishment and maintenance of political and economic control over colonies by a sovereign power over an alien people

6 Last updated January 1998 Copyright © 1998 Matthew WhiteMatthew White

7 Today In the 20 th century, neo-colonialism, or economic control over some former colonies still exists through Trans- national corporations Advantages to mother country: cheap labour, goods produced at low cost, use of raw materials Advantages to colony: helps industrialise the country Neo-colonialism: a term given to the fact that while countries have political independence, they are still economically dependent on rich countries

8 Colonialism in South America After Christopher Columbus discovered the New World, other Portuguese and Spanish explorers set out to claim land The Spanish moved into Mexico 1520s The Incas were the indigenous people who lived in the area and controlled a lot of South America When the Spanish army landed they killed 1000’s, took possession of the land, collected huge sums of gold to send back to Spain Today most Spanish and Portuguese have gained independence

9 Colonialism in Africa Europeans discovered the western coast of Africa Europeans forcefully took West Africans across the Atlantic and sold them as slaves to work on the sugar plantations in South America Approximately 12 million slaves from Africa were taken to Americas between 1650 to 1850

10 Advantages of Colonialism Goods being transported for sale Social and economic gains: infrastructure, farming, mines Political links established (Commonwealth) Lowering of death rates ( better medical care) Heritage: language, religion

11 Disadvantages Slaves Present trade gap results from exploitation of raw materials by colonial power Industrial development was not encourages in the colonies- it was more to use the raw materials Led to uneven economic growth in colonies

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