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Kennis van land en volk:. The New World 1492: Christopher Columbus Aim: find shorter trade route Los Indios – Indians – Native Americans – Amerindians.

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Presentation on theme: "Kennis van land en volk:. The New World 1492: Christopher Columbus Aim: find shorter trade route Los Indios – Indians – Native Americans – Amerindians."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kennis van land en volk:

2 The New World 1492: Christopher Columbus Aim: find shorter trade route Los Indios – Indians – Native Americans – Amerindians Pueblo, Apache, Iroquois, Sioux, Dakota, Cherokee Farmers, nomads, fierce, warlike Potlatches (gift giving)

3 Indian Affairs: Sitting Bull – Sioux 1881:‘ I wish it to be remembered that I was the last man of my tribe to surrender my rifle’ Ghost Dance Movement (1890) Wounded Knee (1890) 1924: Indians were given right to vote

4 Puritan New England Pilgrim fathers (1620) Mayflower Thanksgiving: Fourth Thursday in November ‘Thank God for surviving first year’ Celebrate together with Indians

5 First States New Hampshire Massachusettes New York Rhode Island Connecticut Pennsylvania New Jersey Delaware Maryland Virginia North Carolina South Carolina Georgia

6 The Stars and Stripes

7 Independence Thomas Jefferson (landowner and lawyer) 4 July 1776 Declaration of Independenc e The United States of America

8 George Washington 1788: First President of USA 1789: Constitution went into effect

9 Amendments 1791: Bill of Rights (freedom of religion, free speech, free press, right to a fair trial) 2nd amendment: 13th amendment:

10 Abraham Lincoln President 1861-1865 Civil War Assassination 1865 John Wilkes Booth

11 Federal Government: branches

12 Congress: -2 Senators per state, 6 years (term)

13 Congress II: House of Representatives: 435 members. Elected every two years Every state represented Capitol Building Washington D.C.

14 Presidents:

15 President Elected every 4 years Voters! Two terms ‘ Kiesmannen’ 270 / 538 Republicans / Democrats Swing states

16 Other Presidents: Rooseveldt: New Deal (1929: Wall Street crash) MacCarthy 1950s: Witch Hunts Kennedy 1963: assassination Nixon 1974: Watergate

17 Statue of Liberty “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

18 The Golden Door 1840-1860: poor crops, hunger, political unrest Irish: potato famine During civil war: many immigrants Melting Pot Ellis Island

19 Black Americans Civil Rights Movement Rosa Parks 1955 Martin Luther King 1968 KKK AAVE (African American Vernacular English)

20 The Anthem:

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