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Presentation on theme: "Monday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday

2 “Salvius consilium cognoscit”
Calescite “Salvius consilium cognoscit”

3 Culture : Roman Roads pgs. 77 - 82 Youtube video: Blueprint:
Blueprint: Ingredientsessss/Supplies for WEDNESDAY:

4 Tuesday

5 Lupercalia

6 Lupercalia Pastoral holiday Story of Rome’s founding
cleanse the city, avert evil Story of Rome’s founding Romulus & Remus, nursed by a she-wolf (lupa) “lupus” means it was related to… Tradition: Young men running through streets Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar

7 Create a “Lupercalia” Card
Draw names Create a card!!! Include at least ONE Latin sentence a picture and COLOR!!!

8 Consiliī Tu es bonus/a amicus/a!!! Tu es optimus/a amicus/a!!!
Amo te! Amo te valde!!! Tu es pulcher puer/pulchra puella. Tu es pulchrior quam Angelina Jolie! Tu es pulcherrimus/a puer/puella! Erisne meus/a? Voca me! ;)

9 Wednesday – Chocolate Roads!

10 Thursday – Stg. 24 Test Review, Word Study, VINCO

11 Translate in Angilcam: Quis? Ubi? Quid? Cur? Quo? Quomodo?
Calescite! Translate in Angilcam: Quis? Ubi? Quid? Cur? Quo? Quomodo?

12 V I N C O!

13 Friday - Test

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