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Scaling Up at CCBC: Going Above and Beyond with an Academic Success Course February 29, 2012 “D.R.E.A.M.” Achieving the Dream’s 2012 Annual Meeting on.

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Presentation on theme: "Scaling Up at CCBC: Going Above and Beyond with an Academic Success Course February 29, 2012 “D.R.E.A.M.” Achieving the Dream’s 2012 Annual Meeting on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scaling Up at CCBC: Going Above and Beyond with an Academic Success Course February 29, 2012 “D.R.E.A.M.” Achieving the Dream’s 2012 Annual Meeting on Student Success Susan Delker, Dr. Mark McColloch, Sonya Caesar Mark Williams and Dr. Estelle Young CCBC and Achieving the Dream

2 How to Deliver Student Success Change at Scale CCBC = 74,000 Students

3 Pilots Evaluated for Scalability No Boutique Programs

4 Term 1Term 2Term 3Term 4 So, Acceleration in Developmental Education Tested and Doubled Each Term

5 Comprehensive Academic Advising  Group Labs  Technology  Faculty Role (including ACDV)

6 Close Gap  Financial Literacy – reach every student  CRT  aiming at all faculty

7 ACDV 101 – Academic Development: Transitioning to College Scalable - the course is required in the first semester for all new full-time and part-time degree-seeking students. Cost effective- 1 credit; 1.5 contact hours, max class size 22. What Did We Do- ACDV 101

8  Major topics include life skills, academic skills, CCBC policies and resources, introduction to career exploration, academic planning, technology skills for learning.  Standard grading system; D is passing. ACDV Course Overview

9  Experiential  Face-to-Face, Online and Blended  Continuous collaboration Overview

10 Four Academies  Health Professions  Business and Social Sciences  Arts and Humanities  STEM Challenges  Registration  Curriculum  College readiness  Financial needs  Faculty training Original Concept

11 Program Evaluation

12  Spring to fall retention  Developmental education needs vs College readiness Preliminary Outcomes

13 Rates of Completion for African American Students African American/Black students success rate in ACDV 101 was 59% while Caucasian/White students success rate in ACDV 101 was 71%.

14  Course Scheduling  Course Delivery System What We Have Learned?

15  Create Academies  Increase the number of African American male ACDV sections  Infuse Financial Literacy into the curriculum What did it mean?

16 Academies: Why Did We Start?  School of Health Professions (SHP) - Need for early and intentional preparation for entry into rigorous health care career tracks  Challenge :  Developmental Education needs  Persistence  Existing ACDV curriculum

17  Prepare Freshman for Requirements of SHP Programs  Technical reading rigor and volume  Employ same study methods as SHP  Overall allied health focus  Create awareness of various allied health career paths  Infuse time management activities What Was Our Objective?

18 Created:  Health academy within ACDV  An integrated reading, note-taking, review, and test preparation module  Using Anatomy and Physiology textbook  Career lattice  Career and educational plan/activities  Focused time management strand What Did We Do?

19  Success Rates  Time restraints  Goal conflict  Future integrative opportunities What Have We Learned?

20  Revision and refinement of initial design  Potential for growth What Does It Mean?

21  An AtD Strategic Strand  Faculty Survey Financial Literacy: The “Why”

22  Create awareness  Analyze spending habits  Needs vs. Wants  Refund checks  Implementing a Savings plan Financial Literacy: The Primary “Goals”

23 ACDV 101 Curriculum Overview Lesson #1  Mini DocumentaryDocumentary Lesson #2  Pre & Post Surveys  Feed the Pig AssessmentAssessment Lesson #3  Micro Savings Class Project  Lesson #4  Student Scenarios Course Design Framework  Transtheoretical Model of Change Financial Literacy: The “How”

24  Preliminary Data  Program Expansion Financial Literacy: The “Outcomes”

25 African American Cohort  Broadening the scope What can be changed through institutional means?  Collaboration and Institutional  Student enrollment

26  Cultural differences  Content development  Responsibility & accountability  Increasing persistence  Collaborative learning  Informal academic experiences  Intrusive advising and journaling African American Cohort Strategic foci of course:

27 Fall 2011 (all of these were in the first seven weeks) 203 students- 46 % success in the A-C range, 26% failed the course* 9% either withdrew or stopped attending. Fall 2012 scaling to 20 sections Clean Sections Future Scaling African American Cohort Maximum participation- Monitoring sections

28 African American Cohort Instructor training- Involving other faculty/staff to teach and promote the vision Teacher behavior - Sustained attention and early interventions Engage adjunct faculty with multiple connections to the College; and base them in a “safe zone” Student-faculty informal contacts Supportive Leadership Willingness to evoke change Suit needs of campus Face to face exposure with instructors

29 Sonya Caesar, Developmental Education Coordinator 443-840-3455 Susan Delker, Department Chair, Academic Development Dr. Mark McColloch, Vice President of Instruction Dr. Estelle Young, Director, School of Health Professions Student Success Support Mark Williams, Director, Career Development and Counseling Services Contact Information

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