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Teach Them on Their Own Terms: Training with Adult Learning Principles in Mind Presented by Tiffany Blair MSHA Distance Learning.

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2 Teach Them on Their Own Terms: Training with Adult Learning Principles in Mind Presented by Tiffany Blair MSHA Distance Learning

3 Objectives At the end of this presentation, participants will: o Understand the principles of adult learning o Recognize how learning styles affect training o Have the tools to become more effective presenters/instructors Please note: This presentation contains notes written by the presenter for your benefit. Please refer to these notes for expanded information regarding slide content, as well as additional information that was given verbally during the TRAM session presentation.

4 Agenda Section I – Adult Learning Overview Section II – Adult Learning Topics Section III – Learning Styles Section IV – Application of Principles in Class Section V – Application of Principles in PowerPoint

5 Adult Learning Overview Section I

6 Introduction to Terms Pedagogy o The science and art of education o Teacher-centered method Andragogy o Teaching strategies focused on adults o Learner-centered method

7 How is ALP Different From Traditional Methods?

8 Pedagogy vs Andragogy Young learners: o Learn in a linear manner o Are totally dependent on the instructor for knowledge o Are motivated by external pressures Adult learners: o Want to decide which topics to focus on o Bring their experiential knowledge into a learning environment o Will self-assess if given the proper tools

9 Why is ALP Important to You? Let’s look at how your organization learns… o Are learners within actively seeking knowledge? o Who directs whether you receive training?

10 Barriers to Learning Adult learners may feel they lack o The time to devote to learning o The money for training o The ability to use what they learn

11 Benefits to You and Your Learners Avoid wasted effort Better retention More enjoyable Faster results Better accountability

12 Adult Learning Topics Section 2

13 Reason Adults need to know: The reason for learning How it will benefit them Reason for Training

14 Motivation Adults respond better to learning that: Solves a real-life problem Takes into consideration their prior experience and knowledge Motivation for Training

15 Expectations Adults expect: Relevance and problem-solving The ability to influence their learning Two-way communication Expectations for Training

16 Delivery Adults prefer: Self-directed learning The ability to choose how they receive information Delivery for Training

17 Learning Styles Section 3

18 What Are Learning Styles? Auditory Visual Read/Write Hands-On

19 Auditory Learning Auditory learners want to hear it. They retain more information when it is presented to them through sound. These learners benefit from books on tape, reading aloud, group discussions, etc. Practical Application: Asking learners in a course on car maintenance to identify this sound (click the icon below to listen)

20 Visual Learning Visual learners want to see it. They retain more information when it is expressed to them through images. These learners benefit from photographs and illustrations, charts, watching videos, etc. Practical Application: Viewing photos of equipment utilizing cameras on MSHA’s Accident Prevention Program site

21 Read/Write Learning Read/Write learners want it on paper. They retain more information when it is presented to them in writing. These learners benefit from lists, handouts, taking notes, etc. Practical Application: Writing notes in the margin of your copy of the 30 CFR during a lecture

22 Hands-On Learning Hands-On learners want to do it. They retain more information when it is provided in a tactile manner. These learners benefit from simulations, role playing, field trips, etc. Practical Application: Inspecting a piece of equipment in a training lab

23 Why is This Important to You? Remember the benefits? Eliminate wasted effort Increase retention Generate more interest Faster results Understanding learning styles will help you develop training that reaches your entire audience.

24 Multimodal Learning

25 Which learning style(s) can you identify within each type of training delivery mode? Case Studies Role-Playing Virtual Reality Simulations

26 Application in Class Section 4

27 Mixed Styles for Retention Role Playing Visual – Interpreting body language Auditory - Listening to each “actor”, post-activity discussions Read/Write – Following a list of ground rules, taking notes Hands-On - Adopt another persona, interact with others

28 Establishing Credentials Creates mutual understanding Learners see how your knowledge can benefit them

29 Establishing Need Tell learners what is in it for them Give real-life, relevant examples of instances in which this training will be of benefit

30 Meeting Expectations Answer questions in real time Allow discussions to flow naturally Ask for learner input and experience

31 Using Tools Correctly Short videos or pause to discuss Take breaks if lectures/ training sessions are long Make sure charts are well documented Handouts contain must know information vs. nice to know information

32 Application in PowerPoint Section 5

33 Benefits to the Adult Learner PowerPoint is: Portable Easy to use Multimodal tool

34 Best Practices Keep it simple Limit bullet points and text Limit transitions and unnecessary animations Use high-quality graphics Choose colors and fonts wisely Remember the learning types – Visual, Auditory, Read/Write, and Hands-On

35 Thank You for Your Time! Questions? Contact:

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