ALLIANCE Alliance Insurance (psc) Company Profile  Call: +971 4 605 1111  Mail:  Visit: Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "ALLIANCE Alliance Insurance (psc) Company Profile  Call: +971 4 605 1111  Mail:  Visit: Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALLIANCE Alliance Insurance (psc) Company Profile  Call: +971 4 605 1111  Mail:  Visit: Introduction Vision Chairman’s Message Our Company Departments General Insurance Individual Life Insurance Group Life & PA Insurance Health Insurance PR O D UC TS Credit Insurance Paid Up Capital

2 ALLIANCE Insurance. A necessity for the very existence of life that throws in a lot of surprises. We all have had that feeling…… that concern for the unknown tomorrow. Insurance in this pursuit of protection – for life and assets. “There is no greater delight in life ….. Than to cherish a sense of peace and protection against future loss.” Precisely that is what Alliance Insurance is all about. To protect your concerns, whatever its scope or magnitude. Welcome to Alliance Insurance, the leading composite insurer with a complete range of insurance products and services. That’s built on trust. Insurance, you need it. Alliance Insurance – you deserve it. Introduction

3 ALLIANCE Company’s Capital is raised from AED 50 Million to 60 Million in 2007 from surplus generated from operation. Company’s Capital is raised from AED 50 Million to 60 Million in 2007 from surplus generated from operation. Future Strategy Alliance is planning to increase its paid Up Capital from AED 60 Million to AED 75 Million in 2008 by granting bonus shares to the shareholders. Paid Up Capital

4 ALLIANCE A.M. Best Co. has assigned A.M. Best Co. has assigned Financial Strength Rating of A- (Excellent) & Credit Rating of “a-” to Alliance. The outlook for both ratings is stable. Rating

5 ALLIANCE To be number one composite insurer in the Gulf and beyond……… Mission Statement To widen the area of our operation to as large a section of the population as possible by providing : 1.Protection for Life and Assets; 2.Quality Service; 3.Security; 4.Conducive environment to the employees enabling them to develop highest standards of Professional competence and exemplary conduct. Vision

6 ALLIANCE “From a very humble beginning in 1975, under a decree issued by H.H. Sheikh Rashid Bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Alliance Insurance has come a long way to establish itself as one of the largest composite insurers in the UAE. Keeping pace with the colossal progress of the UAE, Alliance Insurance has, and will, maintain a strong commitment to share the dynamic vision of the Government. Over the years, excellence in the quality of our products and services, has been the hallmark in our success and development. We, at Alliance, renew our solemn pledge to this great nation, its people and to the Alliance Clientele – that Alliance shall share in the Progress of this nation by contributing to its growth and well being. This belief in our destiny to serve this nation shall continue to burn brightly in our minds and deeds. And to ensure this, all our resources will be optimally utilised ” Chairman’s Message

7 ALLIANCE We stand among the few leading Composite Insurers in the U.A.E. providing for the multifarious insurance requirements of Life, Health, and General Insurance products and services our clients under one roof. We have a network of branches conveniently located in various parts of the country. A strong and trained group of marketing employees is supported by a highly skilled, experienced, and professional, technical team. We have a proven history of loyalty to our customers and community. We have strong ties with the leading reinsurers in the world with varied experience in areas of plan design, pricing, underwriting, management of surplus strain, etc. We are your ideal partner for a complete financial planning services, advice on Employee Benefit schemes or a comprehensive General Insurance package. Our Company

8 ALLIANCE The General Division of our Company caters principally to insurance of properties and liabilities. We have the following Departments: Motor Insurance Department which takes care of all matters relating to the insurance of all types of Motor Vehicles. Technical Department which caters to the customers’ need for Marine Insurance (providing the much needed insurance protection to shipments by sea, air, etc.), Property Insurance (covering the Customers’ property against Fire and various related perils including Burglary), Engineering Insurance (protecting the booming Civil Engineering / Erection projects in the country, the Contractors’ Mobile Plant & Equipment etc.), Liability Insurance (insulating the Client against liability to their Employees, Third Party etc.) and Accident Insurance (providing Money Insurance, Burglary Insurance, etc.). Departments

9 ALLIANCE Policy Holder Services (PHS) Department: Providing risk protection at most competitive rates and on judicious terms is our core business. Our portfolio comprises of both conventional and non-traditional wide range products to cater to the individual needs of the clients. At Alliance, customer reigns supreme. Prompt settlement of claims is our hallmark. Departments Actuarial Department: The Company benefits from the services of a firm of Consulting Actuaries. It also has an in-house Actuarial expertise that works in collaboration with the firm of Consulting Actuaries. This set-up enables us to deal with all the technical aspects such as establishing the premium rates, reserve liabilities, non-forfeiture values, etc.

10 ALLIANCE Group Life & Personal Accident Department: The Group Life & Personal Accident (PA) department caters basically to insurance needs of life as well as disability benefits either as a group or as an individual. Our Secura Individual PA section takes care of individual needs in terms of providing PA insurance schemes. Our Group Life forms the life insurance portion of an employee benefit package. Alliance Insurance’s Group Life & PA department offers a full line of high quality group benefits plans at an affordable and competitive terms. Departments

11 ALLIANCE Health Insurance Department: We provide best quality health insurance services to individuals, small businesses and large organizations on both local and worldwide basis. Our underwriting section prudently assesses and classifies risk. Our claims section registers, checks, and pays the due claims in an efficient and effective manner. We understand the needs of our customers and clearly stand out from our competitors in the quality of the service that we provide. This is all due to our extensive market research and many years of specialized experience. Departments

12 ALLIANCE Finance/ Investment Department: We have a team of highly qualified finance and investment professionals to look after the Company’s accounting and control procedures for the benefit of our clients. We also ensure to keep our clients well informed of the financial position of the Company through our financial statements. Departments Information Systems & Communications Department: State of the art technology strengthens the structure of professionalism that Alliance has established. Leading edge capabilities and continuously enhancing information systems and communications to stay abreast of the latest technology to serve our customers’ needs, is a top priority for Alliance.

13 ALLIANCE Training Department: We have a full-fledged Training Department, equipped with latest audio visual equipment and manned by professionally qualified and competent personnel. We help develop a professional culture and encourage the employees to achieve professional excellence. We are active members of world’s renowned insurance educational bodies, such as LOMA. Departments Agency Department: Compilation of business statistics and monitoring producers’ business performance are two core responsibilities of the Agency Department. Agency department acts as a liaison between office and field management.

14 ALLIANCE General Products a)Fire and Related Insurance: Fire insurance which has its origin in the late 17th century is now one of the most sought after insurance in this market. The scope of cover has now been widened to include a host of perils which include Lightning, Riots & Strikes, Malicious Damage, Aircraft Damage, Impact Damage (by vehicles & animals), Storm, Typhoon, Tempest & the like, Floods including overflow of accumulated rain water following very heavy rains, Earth-quake and Burglary involving the use of force for entry into or exit from the insured premises. A Client’s property and other related interests whether movable or immovable which have a pecuniary value or which if destroyed, lead to pecuniary loss can be covered under a Fire Insurance policy. In case of Manufacturing Units and Commercial Trading houses, particularly those dealing with Exclusive Branded products, insuring loss/ damage to the property alone may not be sufficient. The Client may suffer consequential loss by way of Standing Expenditures (like Salaries & Wages, rent, Municipal taxes, etc.) and loss of future earnings/ profits till such time the business (or manufacture) is brought back to the same position as it was before the loss by the incidence of a peril covered. To cater to this insurance requirement we have the Fire Loss of Profits Insurance, otherwise known as Fire Consequential Loss Insurance or Fire Business Interruption Insurance.

15 ALLIANCE General Products b)Marine Insurance: With the growth in international trade and commerce, there is an ever increasing movement of cargo over long distances by various modes of transits. Naturally, goods are exposed to various transit hazards. Our Marine Cargo Insurance provide protection against such losses. Covers are available for transits by road, rail, sea, or air, or even combined modes of transport to/ from any part of the world. Marine Hull Insurance offers protection against loss or damage to ships, pleasure crafts, yachts, fishing vessels, etc. and the liability associated with their operations. Our Aviation Insurance Policies cover all aviation related risks such as loss or damage to Air-craft hulls, spares, etc., Liability to Third Party, Passengers, etc. and other related exposures.

16 ALLIANCE General Products c)Engineering Insurance: Ever since the Industrial revolution the need for specialized insurance has grown multifold. As more and more technologically advanced machinery enters the modern world our Machinery Break-Down Insurance and Electronic Equipment Insurance policies have become more of necessity than an option. Boiler Insurance is another speciality insurance which can be provided by us. Considering the tremendous boom in the Civil Engineering Constructions and Erection of new manufacturing plants in the local market and the complexity of the insurance requirements with more than one entity whose interests need to be covered for the same project (e.g. the Principal, Contractors, Sub-Contractors, Consulting Engineers, etc.), our Contractors All Risks Insurance and Erection All Risks Insurance policies offer just the right protection needed for these kinds of projects. In addition, the Contractors may need to cover their Plant, Machinery, & Equipment like the Shovels, Cranes, Bull-dozers, Fork-lifts, etc. which can be covered under our Contractors Plant & Machinery Insurance.

17 ALLIANCE General Products d)Liability Insurance: In today’s world of high innovations and tough competition there is an increasing awareness among the public of their own rights as well as of the duties and responsibilities expected of those with whom they deal with. Various Liability Insurance covers like the Public Liability Insurance, General Liability Insurance, the Workmen’s Compensation Insurance, the Employers’ Liability Insurance, Professional Indemnity Insurance, & the Medical Malpractice Insurance designed to protect the Insured against his legal liability for acts of omission or commission are available for the benefit of our Clients. We can proudly say that we even provide Airport Operators Liability Insurance We offer specifically designed Professional Indemnity Insurance tailored to cater to Hospitals, Clinics, Nursing Homes, Doctors (of various specialities & general practitioners), Engineers, Architects, Accountants, Auditors, Advocates, and Insurance Consultants.

18 ALLIANCE General Products e)Accident Insurance: We have the Bankers Bond Insurance (a specialized insurance scheme to cater to the requirements of Banks and Exchange Houses), the Jewellers Block Insurance [A comprehensive package of insurances for jewellers], and Travel Insurance Schemes (to provide protection against unexpected contingencies including Emergency Medical Expenses and Liability). In addition to the above our Cancellation of Events Insurance offers protection to Event Organizers while our Home Protection Insurance is a package of covers to take care of the needs of a house-holder. Our Money Insurance offers protection to the Commercial Establishments in respect of their Money-in-Safe and Money-in-Transit.

19 ALLIANCE General Products f)Motor Insurance: Motor Insurance deals with the insurance of road vehicles. While our Third Party Liability Insurance covers the legal liability of the Insured towards a third party for injury/ death or damage to property, our Comprehensive Insurance provides the legal liability cover as well as coverage for the insured vehicle itself against accidental damage. Both Third Party and Comprehensive covers are available with the option to include personal accident cover for passengers and drivers.

20 ALLIANCE Life Products a)Life Division Whole Life Assurance New Joint Life Plan Solidarity Whole Life ltd. Payment Assurance Level Term Assurance Endowment Plan Executive Term Assurance Anticipated Endowment Limited Payment Term Assurance Junior Insurance Convertible Term Assurance Joint Life Assurance Modified Term Assurance Plan Child Protection Education Family Income Benefit Optima (Investment & Protection Plan) Critical Illness Benefit Supreme (The Capital Growth Bond) Accidental Death & Dismemberment Quantum Four Plan Triple Accident Benefit Higher Education Assistance Plan Waiver of Premium

21 ALLIANCE Life Products b)Group Life & PA Division Secura Personal Accident Individual Health Care Plan (Global) Group Life Insurance Individual Health Care Plan (Regional) Group Personal Accident Corporate Health Care (Global) Corporate Health Care (Regional) Corporate Care Plan (HMO) c)Health Division

22 ALLIANCE Insurance is offered on Trade Receivables Business to business transactions Credit term not exceeding 180 days Portfolio basis ( it is not possible to insure selected buyers or transactions) Credit Insurance

23 ALLIANCE Regional Offices BranchAddress P.O. BoxEmiratesTel:Fax: LifeLife Dubai1st Floor, Warba Centre, Deira5501 Dubai, UAE Pearl Branch (9714) 2627900 (9714) 2628600 Creek Branch (9714) 2626400 (9714) 2628600 Deira Branch (9714) 2627600 (9714) 2628600 Bur Dubai4th Floor, Al-Khaleej Centre5501 Dubai, UAE (9714) 3552211 (9714) 3516055 Sharjah1st Floor, Boorj 2000 Bldg.19665 Sharjah, UAE (9716) 5615511 (9716) 5616004 Abu Dhabi 3rd Floor, Ghanam Al Mazroui Bldg.3266 Abu Dhabi, UAE (9712) 6336747 (9712) 6219956 Al-Ain Mezzanine Floor, Saeed Al Mazroui Bldg.15246 Al-Ain, UAE (9713) 7642935 (9713) 7645654

24 ALLIANCE Regional Offices Branch Address P.O. BoxEmiratesTel:Fax: GeneralGeneral Dubai 1st Floor, Warba Centre, Deira5501 Dubai, UAE (9714) 2626400 (9714) 2625300 Bur Dubai4th Floor, Al-Khaleej Centre5501 Dubai, UAE (9714) 3516070 (9714) 3516055 Sharjah1st Floor, Boorj 2000 Bldg.19665 Sharjah, UAE (9716) 5616463 (9716) 5617375 Abu Dhabi 3rd Floor, Ghanam Al Mazroui Bldg.3266 Abu Dhabi, UAE (9712) 6326067 (9712) 6391531 Al-Ain Mezzanine Floor, Saeed Al Mazroui Bldg.15246 Al-Ain, UAE (9713) 7642935 (9713) 7645654 Jabel AliOffice No. F-1616966 Jabel Ali, UAE (9714) 8815048 (9714) 8815459

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