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Pursuit of Independence Home and Community Based Services Services provided to children and adults with disabilities through Iowa Medicaid.

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Presentation on theme: "Pursuit of Independence Home and Community Based Services Services provided to children and adults with disabilities through Iowa Medicaid."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pursuit of Independence Home and Community Based Services Services provided to children and adults with disabilities through Iowa Medicaid

2 HCBS Waivers: Intellectual Disability Waiver Ill & Handicapped Waiver AIDS/HIV Waiver Brain Injury Waiver Physical Disability Waiver Elderly Waiver Children’s Mental Health Waiver* Habilitation Services *Pursuit of Independence does not provide services through this Waiver

3 Purpose of Waivers: Waivers were established to help people with disabilities remain in their home and in their home community services. Waivers and services are in place to assist people with becoming more independent, maintaining their independence while making informed choices.

4 Qualifications for Waivers and Services: Anyone who wants or needs services through any Waivers must first be eligible for Iowa Medicaid. Must receive the assistance of Case Manager Must have a qualifying diagnosis. Must meet Level of Care, determined by Iowa Medicaid Enterprise. Must be a resident of Iowa Some Waivers or Services do have income limitations Some Waivers or Services have age limitations

5 Benefits of services: Increased independence Increased self-confidence Increased safety Decreased dependence other paid supports as people make progress on their goals and their plans

6 Examples of Goals: Learning to cross the street safely Learning how to use a stove Learning to tie shoes Learning how to budget money Increase community interactions and activities Cleaning Shopping Medications Get own apartment Get a job

7 Services for Children: Hourly Supported Community Living – Cooking – Cleaning – Organization – Medication educations – Numerous independent living skills Plans are established with the assistance of all members on the “team”. Taylor Ridge Estates can provide these services under the ID Waiver.

8 Services for Children: Respite: – Provides an opportunity for the regular care-givers of children an “break” from the day to day cares. – Can NOT be used while a parent is working – Can NOT be used in place of day care – Can be provided outside of the home

9 Transitioning: Services should be established and coordinated between all team members including school, family, doctors, etc. Team should start preparing the members as early as possible. This includes preparing parents as well.

10 Habilitation Services: Start application process prior to age 18 Provides hourly home based services Provides 24-hour services All services are established according to needs, assessments and with the assistance of the team.

11 Supported Employment: Assistance with job applications Mock job interviews Job coaching for: – Learning to read schedules – Learning new tasks – Assistance staying on task – Assistance with interpersonal relationships with co-workers and supervisors

12 Day Habilitation: Provided to adults under the ID Waiver and Habilitation Services CARF Accredited Classes on mental health, positive coping skills, activities in the community and surrounding areas. Education on physical health, medications, etc.

13 SUCCESS!!! Kelly: Lived in RCF with NO motivation. Moved into a 24-hour house. Was provided Daily supports with hourly Supported Employment. Now lives in his own apartment, working full time, only receives budgeting assistance PER REQUEST!

14 SUCCESS!! Q lived in the RCF, moved into a 24-hour house. He is now employed independently, recently bought a house and receives no services.

15 Contact Us: 124 N. Main Suite C. Lenox, IA 50851 641-333-2221 Darcy Johnson: Sandy Marshall:

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