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Nutrition for Culinary Professionals CHRM 2350 WELCOME!

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition for Culinary Professionals CHRM 2350 WELCOME!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition for Culinary Professionals CHRM 2350 WELCOME!

2 Instructor: Mary Watson  Email contact:  Office: None  Office Hours: By appointment  Name tents  ABOUT ME  ABOUT YOU

3 Objectives  After class discussion and review of the syllabus the student will be able to:  Verbally acknowledge an increased confidence in and comfort with the approaching nutrition class  Identify the instructor’s goals for the course

4 Objectives  Develop strategies for effective study in the course  Define learning as a change in behavior  Cognitive—knowledge  Skills—how to do things  Attitudes--values

5 Instructor Goals  Student will voluntarily state that learning about nutrition has been interesting, valuable, and fun.  Student will have a positive attitude about the value of nutrition.  Student will do well in subsequent courses when nutrition is involved.  Student will be able to apply nutrition to his/her lifestyle, recipes developed and work situations.

6 Instructor Goals  Student will successfully pass the course by  Gaining factual knowledge such as terminology, classifications, methods  Learning fundamental principles  Learning to apply course material

7 Objectives/Testing  Objectives (p. 2) are “General”  Operational (“Specific”) Objectives  For each class  For each topic  TEACH TO THE OBJECTIVES  TEST FROM THE OBJECTIVES  Tests are teaching tools  Two exams (50 ? Each) Final (100 ?)

8 Objectives/Testing  Objective: Define frequently used terms.  Sample Test Question: 1. Nutrients are a. products from foods that provide health benefits b. inorganic elements required by the body in small amounts c. compounds in foods that provide energy d. chemical substances from food used by the body to provide energy, growth and maintenance

9 Objectives/Testing  Objective: Define criteria of a healthy menu  Sample Test Question: 1. A menu for a healthy meal should contain no more than: a. 500 mg. sodium b. 700 mg. sodium c. 800 mg. sodium d. 1000 mg. sodium


11 Instructional Techniques  Exams  Lecture and Questioning  Individual and Group Class Activities

12 Syllabus Review  Class Schedule  Grading  2 exams (50 points each) 100 points  Final exam 100 points  Dietary Analysis 50 points  Recipe Modification 50 points  Class Participation 40 points  Attendance 10 points

13 Syllabus Review  Personal Dietary Analysis  Due Week 3!!!!!!  Evaluate your intake for calories, protein, fat, Vitamins A, C, folic acid, iron, calcium  YOUR PERSONAL EATING HABITS WILL NOT BE GRADED  Websites:

14 Syllabus Review  Recipe Modification  Due Week 9!!!!!!  Select a recipe with 8 or more ingredients that can be modified to improve its nutritional quality  Modify at least 3 ingredients  Nutrient analysis of both recipes  Write report and present to class

15 YOU are responsible for the contents of the textbook Study it thoroughly. It can serve as a good resource for you in the future.

16  You are responsible for printing of powerpoints for lecture from the faculty resource page 


18 TEXTBOOK  OBJECTIVES  MINI SUMMARY  Sidebar Definitions  Check-Out Quiz  Activities/Applications  Ingredient Focus  HOT TOPIC


20 Why Study Nutrition?  Know food trends  Understand how food impacts health  It’s fun!

21 Comparison of Foods Consumed in Past Five Years American Dietetic Association Foods% Increase% Decrease% Same Whole grains 56736 Vegetables 50643 Fruits 48844 Fish 431045 Dairy 142362 Beef 94149

22 Are you willing to pay more for healthier options at restaurants? USA TODAY July, 2011 Survey of 7080 adults

23 Classroom Community  This class is our community during the time we are in it. Since it is ours, we will make it what we want it to be.  It would be great to make it a positive learning experience.

24 To make this a positive learning experience …………  Actively participate  Ask questions  Give comments and opinions  Listen attentively  Cell phones, text messaging, computers  Focus on the topic

25 To make this a positive learning experience …………  Appreciate other points of view  Classroom civility; professional courtesy  Verbally and non-verbally  Respect others’ desire to learn  No sidebar conversations  Leave room quietly  Cell phone etiquette

26 To make this a positive learning experience …………  Transfer what is learned  Continually be asking yourself…….  How can I apply what is being discussed in class to myself, my family, my customers?  When what is being discussed doesn’t seem to apply to me, how might I use it in the future?  Train yourself to transfer learning; practice for the future

27 Looking Forward To This Class With You!

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