Exams 2 – A2C rewrite Adrian Kilburn Product Manager Annual Conference 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Exams 2 – A2C rewrite Adrian Kilburn Product Manager Annual Conference 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exams 2 – A2C rewrite Adrian Kilburn Product Manager Annual Conference 2013

2 UNIT-e timeline - 1 2012  Initial analysis of v1.0 specification 2013  Deeper analysis  Questions raised  Further contributions to the design discussions  Core A2C developments started  Candidate numbering  Core transactions  Dec 2013 platform release  Initial version for review 2

3 UNIT-e timeline - 2 2014  Further developments in spring and summer releases  Exams officer training  September 2014 - Phase 1 pilot sites Go live (November Resits & Vocational)  November 2014 - Phase 2 pilots added (January modules) 2015  Further developments  January 2015 - Wider rollout for any site (Summer exams)  September 2015 - Final sites move across  December 2015  De-support old exams software ….. initially for entries, later for results 3

4 Key assumption – but not yet confirmed! No migration of open entries  Old style entries can only have old style results  New style results must be preceded by new style entries  Centres parallel run old and new exams software (Old for results, new for entries)  December 2015 switch-off refers to entries not to results 4

5 Initial screen designs 5

6 A2C Setup

7 Product Catalogue Load

8 Product Catalogue Viewer


10 Exam Module Manager

11 Bulk Exam Manager



14 UNIT-e and the changes to Funding and the ILR for 2013/14 14

15 24+ Advanced learning Loans (= most adults aged 24+ on L3+ courses) On-line Applications commenced March/April  Colleges must provide essential information to applicant Course reference, Learning Aim, Fee etc. Loans commence 1 August  Colleges must provide Attendance Confirmation  Two-weeks after enrolment start (needs ULN)  But ULN now expected before Attendance Confirmation!  Colleges must also provide Change of Circumstance Final specification published Thursday 10 May!!!  Far too late for July platform  To be released as an update over the summer. 15

16 ILR  IA’s radical review of fields  31 fields removed  16 new fields  Guided learning hours at enrolment replaced by two new fields at learner level:  Planned learning hours  Planned employability, enrichment and pastoral hours  UNIT-e has appropriate fields at Learner and Enrolment level Review of R13 return date  Confirmed as last week of October 16

17 UNIT-e ILR Validation & Error Correction Announced at last year’s conference 4.24 (March)  Initial Tooling released  Partial 12/13 rule set 4.25 (July)  Slightly updated tools  Full 13/14 rule set Further details in summer user group 17

18 Summer user groups VenuePostcode Scotland29-May-13WednesdayCumbernauld CollegeG67 1HU HE30-May-13ThursdayCapita CirencesterGL7 1LT II Web Edition19-Jun-13WednesdayCapita CirencesterGL7 1LT East & London North25-Jun-13Tuesday University of West London (Ealing Campus)W5 5RF South26-Jun-13WednesdayAlton CollegeGU34 2LX North03-Jul-13WednesdayDarlington CollegeDL1 1DR Midlands04-Jul-13ThursdayBournville College, BirminghamB31 2TW 18


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