Our country – the Czech Republic Mgr. Vítězslava Pašková Marek Veselý Primary School and Nursery School Kladno, Vodárenská 2115.

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Presentation on theme: "Our country – the Czech Republic Mgr. Vítězslava Pašková Marek Veselý Primary School and Nursery School Kladno, Vodárenská 2115."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our country – the Czech Republic Mgr. Vítězslava Pašková Marek Veselý Primary School and Nursery School Kladno, Vodárenská 2115

2 The Czech Republic is situated in the middle of Europe and the capital Prague is called “heart of Europe.” THE CZECH REPUBLIC

3 Consists of three large regions: Bohemia Moravia Silesia Town Kladno is in part called Bohemia. THE CZECH REPUBLIC  Kladno

4 North part of the CR is more industrial and southern part is more agricultural with rich nature (lowlands, mountains, ponds, lakes). The most famous spas are situated in western part of Bohemia. Charles Spa then followed by Frank´s Spa and Marian´s Spa. A lot of foreigners come here for healing of their bodies. THE CZECH REPUBLIC Charles Spa

5 THE CZECH REPUBLIC Lowlands in Polabí The Krkonoše Mountains

6 THE CZECH REPUBLIC Rožmberk Pond The River Berounka

7 CAPITAL PRAGUE It is a town with rich historical traditions in different architecture styles, that´s why the CR is famous for historical monuments.

8 CAPITAL PRAGUE There is one the best known view of Prague – the River Vltava and bridges.

9 THE OLD TOWNTHE OLD TOWN It was created after the year 1230. There have been settlements of merchants of Romance origin surrounding the main Prague market. At those days it was called Major Town. It was one of the biggest towns of Europe. CAPITAL PRAGUE

10 THE LITTLE QUARTERTHE LITTLE QUARTER It was founded by Přemysl Otakar II. in the year 1257. However, as early as the 8 th century, there was a market settlement here.

11 CAPITAL PRAGUE HRADČANY.HRADČANY. They were, as the third town of Prague, founded at the beginning of the 14 th century by a Royal Count Berka from Dubé. At the time, however, there was already the Prague Castle – a historical, political and cultural dominating feature of the whole Bohemia, influencing the whole Central Europe for centuries.

12 CAPITAL PRAGUE THE NEW TOWNTHE NEW TOWN It was founded by the emperor Charles IV. in the 1348. It was the most extensive urbanistic act in Prague and unique one in the world. Most of the monuments comes from this period e.g. Charles Bridge with thirty sculptures on it, nowadays it is used for walking. Charles University and near Prague Castle Karlštejn, which is situated near our town Kladno too.

13 CAPITAL PRAGUE Charles Bridge Charles University Castle Karlštejn

14 THE CZECH CUISINE Typical Bohemian food is pork meat in some different forms – roasted, fried and boiled. Fried pork like a stake with potatoes, roasted pork with slices of dumplings and sauer cabbage are the most of the typical meals, which you can eat in each Czech pubs or restaurants.

15 THE CZECH CUISINE white puding (jitrnice) headcheese (tlačenka) black pudding (jelito) Pig sticking is typical time for preparing some kinds of pork products e.g. sausage = white pudding, black pudding, porkpie = headcheese with onion

16 THE CZECH CUISINE Baked buns full of marmelade or jam or cottage cheese are served after main course with tea or coffee. Typical character of Czech fairy tales is the Czech John. He allways carries a pack of baked buns on his way through the world.

17 CLASSICAL CZECH FAIRY TALES Our project is based on fairy tales. There are some pictures of books with typical Czech classical and modern fairy tales.

18 MODERN CZECH FAIRY TALES There are some of the most famous books by modern writers. The author of „The mole“ was born in our town – Kladno.

19 TALES FOR LEARNING Our physics teacher – Marek Veselý is very nice teacher. He likes teaching Physics and Maths at all but he is fond of the Czech language and loves writing tales. He has written two books. The first one is full of classical fairy tales and the characters in each story solve mathematics problems. The other contents detective stories which are based on physics plots. If a reader is good at Physics, he is able to make up solutions of crimes. Pupils in our school like solving of these criminal incidents very much.

20 OUR SCHOOL Primary school and Nursery school in Kladno. Since this school year 2007/2008 teachers has been teaching according to new curriculum called „Seven For Life“. We are the 7 th school from 14 ones in Kladno and LIFE is symbol for being environmentally friedly. „Seven For Life“

21 OUR SCHOOL Our school is situated near centre of Kladno. It isn´t small but it isn´t big. In this photo you can see whole building which consists of twoo schools – 7 th and 8 th school.

22 OUR SCHOOL Our corridors are so empty when the pupils learn.

23 OUR SCHOOL In the class-rooms.

24 OUR SCHOOL Pedagogical staff of our school

25 OUR SCHOOL Science has belonged to favourite subjects since we have got interactive boards. Pupils like doing their tasks on the board.

26 OUR SCHOOL The youngest pupils of our school with their teacher – 1 st class.

27 OUR SCHOOL Our gym and pupils of the 1 st grade.

28 OUR SCHOOL Don´t lie! Why not? Streching of the body in lying position is good for me!

29 OUR SCHOOL A notice board of pupils´ work from a School youth centre.

30 OUR SCHOOL Pupils can attend some school activities in the afternoons within the frame of the school. For example: “Young Débrouillards Club” in which they do some experiments from Physics because they are fond of science, technique. The pupils from 7 to 14 years always discover, test and think up something new. They learn, how to solve cases from life by the help of simple equipments.

31 OUR SCHOOL Another clubs are focusing on music. “The Guitar Club” tries to support an interest of music in the same way like “The Recorder Choir”. Pupils learn playing the guitar or the recorders and then they represent our school at some competitions or they play at some school shows. Note: In the photos of “The Recorder Choir” you can see adults-women. These are mothers of some children who started to learn playing the recorder with.

32 TOWN KLADNO A statutory city and the biggest town in the central Bohemian Region is situated 25 kilometres to the north-west of the capital of the CR, Prague.

33 TOWN KLADNO The town spreads on 3,696 ha and its population is almost 73,000. Kladno was founded in 14 th century. Kladno was town of coal and steel in 20 th century. 19142004

34 TOWN KLADNO Mayor Paul SquareWe can find many historical monuments here e.g. Mayor Paul Square with Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

35 TOWN KLADNO Chateau Zádušní Street St. Florian´s Chapel in T. G. Masaryk Street

36 TOWN KLADNO Kladno was one of the most important industrial centres of the country known in 19 th century for black coal mining. Unique mining oper air museum MayrauNowadays these activities have been stopped since 1989 and you can find there Unique mining oper air museum Mayrau reminding history of coal mining in Kladno.

37 TOWN KLADNO Poldi KladnoPoldi Kladno was a factory with iron and steel industry within all the territory of Bohemia and Moravia. Its bancrupt between 1996-97 deeply harmed all the region.

38 NEIGHBOURHOOD OF KLADNO It is known by many interesting historical places or nature showplaces because of quite rich flora and fauna. Čabárna WetlandČabárna Wetland is natural water park with exposition of rare and protected species of plants and animals.

39 NEIGHBOURHOOD OF KLADNO Romanesque rotunda in BudečThe oldest stone building in Bohemia is Romanesque rotunda in Budeč – the church of St. Peter and Paul. etnographic museumAn etnographic museum with typical folk buildings in Třebíz from Slaný region.

40 NEIGHBOURHOOD OF KLADNO KřivoklátAn impressive Gothic stone castle from 2 nd half of 13 th century – Křivoklát OkořThe ruins of a gothic castle Okoř.

41 NEIGHBOURHOOD OF KLADNO Originally a Renaisance Chateau with a beautiful garden and park and the summer seat of the president in Lány. T. G. Masaryk – the first president of the Czechoslovak Republic often stayed here.

42 Best regards to all from the Czech Republic!

43 VISITING CARD OF OUR SCHOOL Address:Address: ZŠ a MŠ Kladno, Vodárenská 2115 272 01 Kladno, Czech Republic Telephone:Telephone: +420 312 681 165 E-mail:E-mail: reditel7.zs@volny.cz

44 Tento projekt je realizován za finanční podpory Evropské unie. Za obsah publikací (sdělení) odpovídá výlučně autor. Publikace (sdělení) nereprezentují názory Evropské komise a Evropská komise neodpovídá za použití informací, jež jsou jejich obsahem. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in. Recourses of used materials: Photographs by Internet, Marek Veselý, Lenka Vestfálová Music: A cycle of symphonic poems – My country – Vltava by Bedřich Smetana; What Happened Next – „Crime“ by Czechomor; The Rebels – A Shadow of Cathedral by Karel Svoboda

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