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Goo Virtual Science Fair Project. WaterOpen bowl Sealed bowl Question Which option will keep my goo lasting longer ?

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Presentation on theme: "Goo Virtual Science Fair Project. WaterOpen bowl Sealed bowl Question Which option will keep my goo lasting longer ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Goo Virtual Science Fair Project

2 WaterOpen bowl Sealed bowl Question Which option will keep my goo lasting longer ?

3 Research Goo can dry out and get hard It can also stay very moist

4 Hypothesis I think that if I leave the goo in water it will stay moist and not be dry.(last longer) conclusion

5 Experiment Design Control Variable All of the goo will be the same. The containers will each be different.

6 Steps/Processes Supplies Steps 3 normal Elmer’s Glitter Glue bottles Borax (powdered laundry detergent) Teaspoon, and cup measuring utensils Water Three Tupperware containers 2 mixing bowls Saran rap / or lids #1 set out all of the materials #2 get the two mixing and put one bottle of glue in one of the bowls #3 In the second bowl mix one teaspoons of borax with one cup of warm water (I use my heated sink water) #4 stir until dissolved #5 when dissolved mix the two bowls together and the goo will form #6 put the goo in one Tupperware #7 repeat steps 2-6 two more times #8 when you have made three bowls of goo they should each be in separate containers #9 put one goo in a bowl #10 fill that container with a cup of water, seal the top #11 put another goo in a separate bowl #12 seal the top #13put the last goo in the last bowl #14 DO NOT PUT ANYTHING ON TOP OF THE LAST TUPPERWARE!!!!! #15 lastly put all of the Tupperware on your kitchen counter

7 Watch me !!!!! You will need these house hold items 

8 Conclusion First we must go back to our hypothesis  Now we can answer our question!! Our question was…,which option(water, open bowl, or sealed bowl) will keep my goo lasting longer? my hypothesis was correct Why ? The water kept my goo the most moist, while the others didn’t. Keeping it moist makes it last longer. What else was discovered? The open bowl’s goo was the most dry. The open bowl’s goo shrunk hypothesis At home tip: if you make this goo at home place the goo in a bowl with water and seal the top

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