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Helsinki University of Technology (HUT-600) Auditorium Project A case study in the application of: Industry Foundation Classes & 3D/4D Models Calvin Kam.

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Presentation on theme: "Helsinki University of Technology (HUT-600) Auditorium Project A case study in the application of: Industry Foundation Classes & 3D/4D Models Calvin Kam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Helsinki University of Technology (HUT-600) Auditorium Project A case study in the application of: Industry Foundation Classes & 3D/4D Models Calvin Kam and Martin Fischer CIFE Summer Program 2001, Stanford University

2 Project Highlights This research focuses on exchanging IFC product model data and on leveraging 3D models for visualization and 4D modeling Efficient model and data sharing allows the project team to study more design alternatives, complete thorough analyses of life cycle costs and environmental impacts, produce virtual reality models for group decision making, and improve the construction sequence through 4D visualization The new auditorium complex is an addition to the main building (1969) designed by renowned architect Alvar Aalto

3 Why HUT-600 for research/pilot? The project stakeholders are also key participants in research and development sponsored by the Finnish government The scale of the program is appropriate for experimental pilot work given a tight design and construction schedule The complexity of the program offers challenges and requires in-depth alternative studies The dynamics of the end user group (faculty, university facility managers, students, etc.) demand the best visualization tools to expedite client briefing and catalyze exchange of ideas

4 Motivations for a Construction Pilot TEKES VERA IAI—IFC CIFE National Technology Agency in Finland Motivated by NIST’s study of 700 projects in the US that shows: greater use of IT correlates with better project performance both owners and contractors realise meaningful benefits pronounced IT learning curve, but benefits outweigh risks beneficial schedule compression overall project cost savings ~ 1 % construction cost savings ~ 4 % International Alliance for Interoperability Industry Foundation Class (IFC) bringing information technology to building design, construction, and operation (A/E/C/FM) industry-wide and continuous sharing of information is the starting point in bringing information technology to building design, construction and operation. software interoperability: an environment in which computer programs can share and exchange data automatically regardless of the type of software or of where the data may be residing Information Networking in the Construction Process 6-year research & development program under TEKES total budget of USD $43 Million of which USD $ 20 Million from TEKES 80% for industrial R&D projects 20% for public projects Center for Intergrated Facility Engineering generate research goals WDI/CIFE 4D tool in visualization, operation, space and facility management document research progress disseminate research findings

5 Goals of Construction Pilot 1.Support owner, users, and designers in early project decision making 2.Demonstrate benefits of product model approach from client briefing to design to construction to facility management 3.Prioritize agenda for further R&D related to the application of product models for information management

6 Technologies for Construction Pilot 3D and 4D visualizations of architectural design alternatives, lighting schemes, and construction schedule Rapid analyses of several design alternatives for life-cycle costs, comfort, cost, energy, and environmental impact based on the same IFC-based product model CAVE, project extranet

7 Primary Stakeholders Owner:Senate Properties MEP Designer:Olof Granlund Oy General Contractor:YIT Research Collaborator:CIFE, Stanford University

8 Project Overview Scope of Design:Multipurpose Auditorium, Foyer, Computer Center, Handicap Accessibility Budget:30 Million Finnish Mark ~$5 Million US Dollars

9 Schedule Oct 2000Design Started Feb 2001CAVE Review Apr 2001Life Cycle Cost, Environmental Analysis Construction Started Jun 2001 Aug 2001Erection of Structural Steel Oct 2001 Jan 2002Scheduled for Completion

10 4D Simulation Visualization Lighting simulation Construction Estimating Facilities Management Architectural Design Mechanical Design Structural Design Energy Simulation EnvironmentalAnalysis Comfort Simulation Comp. Fluid Dynamic Virtual reality Electrical Design Life Cycle Cost Construction planning Shared IFC Model & Data

11 Information Flow Granlund has developed BSPro—a middleware tool for exchanging IFC-compliant data Current version handles building geometry and thermal data HVAC CAD BS system design tools CFD simulation Thermal simulation Other tools BS COM Server for IFC Files BS CLIENT BS CLIENT BS CLIENT BS CLIENT IFC File ”Thermal view” BS CLIENT Building geometry and space data Architect CAD Granlund SMOG Microsoft Visio 2000

12 Information Flow Integrated BS Design Tools BS CAD tools BS system design tool CFD simulation Thermal simulation Visualisation & Lighting simulation building geometry and space data (IFC) IFC File BS Pro link Virtual reality visualisation (CAVE) Architect CAD Production planning (YIT / COVE) BS design database Facilities management Product data 4D Visualization (WDI-CIFE 4D Viz)

13 Lessons Learned to Date “We are amazed that this [sharing of product model data in IFC standard] is working in practice” - the project architect IFC 1.5.1 supports: the transfer of building geometry, general material selection, and object names Limitations with IFC 1.5.1: It does not support specific material types The file to represent HVAC design data is very large Lighting data and its database are not in IFC standard, hence the resulting thermal loads from lighting fixtures cannot be directly updated Schedule integration is not supported by COVE

14 Benefits Learned to Date Sharing IFC product model allows for: earlier coordination between architects and MEP designers more accurate cost estimation early project phase better and earlier construction and procurement planning faster generation of design alternatives Various visualization tools (VR, CFD, 4D, etc.) allow for: better and faster design coordination among different disciplines more informative briefing and idea exchanges with the user groups

15 Next Steps Disseminate benefits and lessons learned from HUT project 1.Far-reaching decisions about project scope and requirements can be made early with accurate information 2.Full life-cycle analysis for many alternatives available early in design Find 2 nd pilot project

16 4D Simulation Visualization Lighting simulation Construction Estimating Facilities Management Architectural Design Mechanical Design Structural Design Energy Simulation EnvironmentalAnalysis Comfort Simulation Comp. Fluid Dynamic Virtual reality Life Cycle Cost Construction planning Shared IFC Model & Data Electrical Design

17 Electrical Design Structural Design Direct IFC Exchange 4D Simulation Visualization Lighting simulation Construction Estimating Facilities Management Architectural Design Mechanical Design Energy Simulation EnvironmentalAnalysis Comfort Simulation Comp. Fluid Dynamic Virtual reality Life Cycle Cost Construction planning

18 Industry Foundation Classes IFC defines a single object- oriented data model shared by all IFC-compliant applications. IFC is public and open for implementation and use by any member. It is evolving. In HUT-600 case, IFC 1.5.1 is strong in transferring building geometry, generating object identity, and specifying general material selection RETURN Click to return to the HUT Circle RETURN

19 4D Simulation Visualization Lighting simulation Construction Estimating Facilities Management Architectural Design Mechanical Design Structural Design Energy Simulation EnvironmentalAnalysis Comfort Simulation Comp. Fluid Dynamic Virtual reality Life Cycle Cost Construction planning Shared IFC Model & Data Electrical Design

20 Construction Estimating Facilities Management Mechanical Design Structural Design Electrical Design Construction planning Shared IFC Model & Data ArchiCAD 2D View of 3D Model 3D Model Quick Time Movie

21 Architectural Design the architects used photomontages to illustrate how design alternatives fit into the existing site context RETURN Click to return to the HUT Circle RETURN

22 4D Simulation Visualization Lighting simulation Construction Estimating Facilities Management Architectural Design Mechanical Design Structural Design Energy Simulation EnvironmentalAnalysis Comfort Simulation Comp. Fluid Dynamic Virtual reality Life Cycle Cost Construction planning Shared IFC Model & Data Electrical Design

23 Granlund designers use VIVA for lighting design and selection VIVA is a database which gathers lighting products by different manufacturers Electrical Design RETURN Click to return to the HUT Circle RETURN

24 4D Simulation Visualization Lighting simulation Construction Estimating Facilities Management Architectural Design Mechanical Design Structural Design Energy Simulation EnvironmentalAnalysis Comfort Simulation Comp. Fluid Dynamic Virtual reality Life Cycle Cost Construction planning Shared IFC Model & Data Electrical Design

25 MagiCAD is a 3D CAD tool for HVAC design the selection of HVAC components is linked to the electronic product catalogues from different manufacturers Mechanical Design MagiCAD Progman Oy RETURN Click to return to the HUT Circle RETURN

26 4D Simulation Visualization Lighting simulation Construction Estimating Facilities Management Architectural Design Mechanical Design Structural Design Energy Simulation EnvironmentalAnalysis Comfort Simulation Comp. Fluid Dynamic Virtual reality Life Cycle Cost Construction planning Shared IFC Model & Data Electrical Design

27 Construction Estimating COVE (COst and Value Engineering) YIT’s proprietary cost estimating and production planning system IFC-compliant performs ”Design Spell Check”, automatic construction cost estimating RETURN Click to return to the HUT Circle RETURN

28 4D Simulation Visualization Lighting simulation Construction Estimating Facilities Management Architectural Design Mechanical Design Structural Design Energy Simulation EnvironmentalAnalysis Comfort Simulation Comp. Fluid Dynamic Virtual reality Life Cycle Cost Construction planning Shared IFC Model & Data Electrical Design

29 Facility Management FM DATABSE Base module Maintenance Energy calculation Help desk Document Long term planning Consumption Granlund has developed a facility management database that is compliant with its design database during design, the design team was able to retrieve accurate life cycle maintenance and operating cost data during this Fall, the team will begin with the service and management specification designers and facility managers will coordinate to transfer data RETURN Click to return to the HUT Circle RETURN

30 4D Simulation Visualization Lighting simulation Construction Estimating Facilities Management Architectural Design Mechanical Design Structural Design Energy Simulation EnvironmentalAnalysis Comfort Simulation Comp. Fluid Dynamic Virtual reality Life Cycle Cost Construction planning Shared IFC Model & Data Electrical Design

31 Lighting Simulation photorealistic study with Lightscape lighting simulations and daylighting studies links to virtual reality CAVE RETURN Click to return to the HUT Circle RETURN

32 4D Simulation Visualization Lighting simulation Construction Estimating Facilities Management Architectural Design Mechanical Design Structural Design Energy Simulation EnvironmentalAnalysis Comfort Simulation Comp. Fluid Dynamic Virtual reality Life Cycle Cost Construction planning Shared IFC Model & Data Electrical Design

33 Comfort Simulation RIUSKA—IFC-compliant simulation tool imports 3D geometry in IFC format determines thermal conditions based on site location, building volume, and internal heating/cooling load suggests cooling/heating requirements and air velocities RETURN Click to return to the HUT Circle RETURN

34 4D Simulation Visualization Lighting simulation Construction Estimating Facilities Management Architectural Design Mechanical Design Structural Design Energy Simulation EnvironmentalAnalysis Comfort Simulation Comp. Fluid Dynamic Virtual reality Life Cycle Cost Construction planning Shared IFC Model & Data Electrical Design

35 Energy Simulation RIUSKA—IFC-compliant simulation tool estimates heating and cooling energy consumption by HVAC system accounts for changes in monthly thermal conditions and estimates energy cost RETURN Click to return to the HUT Circle RETURN

36 4D Simulation Visualization Lighting simulation Construction Estimating Facilities Management Architectural Design Mechanical Design Structural Design Energy Simulation EnvironmentalAnalysis Comfort Simulation Comp. Fluid Dynamic Virtual reality Life Cycle Cost Construction planning Shared IFC Model & Data Electrical Design

37 Computational Fluid Dynamics the auditorium has a large volume with high thermal loads CFX tool by AEA Technology IFC-compliant by Granlund’s link—BS Pro simulates temperature stratification and air velocities of a proposed HVAC design based on thermal loads generated by RIUSKA TemperatureVelocity

38 Mixed System The mixed system shoots conditioned air from the ceiling It has a more conventional and simpler design but heat is trapped along the boundary in the auditorium

39 Displacement System The displacement system supplies from beneath and cools the occupants more efficiently It requires an underfloor HVAC distribution system RETURN Click to return to the HUT Circle RETURN

40 4D Simulation Visualization Lighting simulation Construction Estimating Facilities Management Architectural Design Mechanical Design Structural Design Energy Simulation EnvironmentalAnalysis Comfort Simulation Comp. Fluid Dynamic Virtual reality Life Cycle Cost Construction planning Shared IFC Model & Data Electrical Design

41 Environmental Analysis BSLCA—an integrated tool and life cycle database for sustainable design incorporates building geometry, MEP systems, equipments, and energy consumption throughout the building life cycle assesses the impacts of emission from building components to air and water RETURN Click to return to the HUT Circle RETURN

42 4D Simulation Visualization Lighting simulation Construction Estimating Facilities Management Architectural Design Mechanical Design Structural Design Energy Simulation EnvironmentalAnalysis Comfort Simulation Comp. Fluid Dynamic Virtual reality Life Cycle Cost Construction planning Shared IFC Model & Data Electrical Design

43 Life Cycle Cost life cycle cost analysis tool for building services design, system comparisons, and flexibility studies it leverages facility management data from previous projects to provide cost comparisons during the design phase RETURN Click to return to the HUT Circle RETURN

44 4D Simulation Visualization Lighting simulation Construction Estimating Facilities Management Architectural Design Mechanical Design Structural Design Energy Simulation EnvironmentalAnalysis Comfort Simulation Comp. Fluid Dynamic Virtual reality Life Cycle Cost Construction planning Shared IFC Model & Data Electrical Design

45 Construction Planning experiment with IFC import of 3D building geometry the 4D model intetrages the construction schedule from YIT align 4D view with view from the webcamera 4D case study in HVAC system with Granlund designers during this Fall, there will be 4D case studies in space and facility management

46 4D Simulation 4D Demonstration RETURN Click to return to the HUT Circle RETURN

47 4D Simulation Visualization Lighting simulation Construction Estimating Facilities Management Architectural Design Mechanical Design Structural Design Energy Simulation EnvironmentalAnalysis Comfort Simulation Comp. Fluid Dynamic Virtual reality Life Cycle Cost Construction planning Shared IFC Model & Data Electrical Design

48 Virtual Reality 3m x 3m (~10ft x 10ft) CAVE room with 3 rear-projectors and 1 top-projector in the Computer Science Dept. at Helsinki University of Technology VR navigation by 3D stereoscopic eyeglass equipped with a motion sensor end-users navigate through the auditorium and MEP systems in the interstitial space

49 Virtual Reality End-users were able to provide valuable inputs during the schematic phase: location of the first row view from the back rows and the sloping of the lecture hall lighting schemes during presentation aisle locations RETURN Click to return to the HUT Circle RETURN

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