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Writing Together Education 193/593 2 Professional Development Credits Spring 2005 Lower Kuskokwim School District Department of Academic Programs.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Together Education 193/593 2 Professional Development Credits Spring 2005 Lower Kuskokwim School District Department of Academic Programs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Together Education 193/593 2 Professional Development Credits Spring 2005 Lower Kuskokwim School District Department of Academic Programs

2 Course Focus Teacher as Writer Student as Writer

3 Two Related Parts to Course You as a Writer Purpose Fluency Confidence Process Traits Modes Sharing/Publishing Student as Writers Purpose Fluency Confidence Process Traits Modes Sharing/Publishing Resources

4 Class Times and Dates February 1: 6-9 February 3: 6-9 February 8: 6-9 February 10: 6-9 February 15: 6-9 Part I: Teacher As Writer

5 Class Times and Dates Part II: Student as Writer February 24: 6-9 March 1: 6-9 March 3: 6-9 March 8: 6-9 March 10: 6-9

6 Part I: What you will do Process Gain fluency Explore writing process as a tool Reflect on writing with modes & traits Share/publish writing Product Writer’s Notebook: daily writing Write/Revise/Edit/Publish Resume Publish Biography (not auto) Publish Memoir

7 Part II: What you will do Process Use writing process to develop fluency Have students write daily for: Enjoyment Different audiences and purposes Introduce traits to students for: Revision/Editing For focusing writing Product Have students keep writer’s notebook OR journal Write/share three lesson plans/written reflection Submit written reviews of 3 recommended articles/books about writing

8 What do you have to do pass? Must be present to pass Meet assignment criteria Must turn in all assignments by March 28, 2005

9 Today Why do we write? Why bother?

10 “Writing is the ultimate learning tool for all students of all ages in all subjects.” Write Source 2000 “Giving people permission to think thoughts that come and to write them down and make sense of them in any way they wish.” Writing Down the Bones Natalie Goldberg “We should write because it is human nature to write. Writing claims our world. It makes it directly and specifically our own.” The Right to Write Julia Cameron

11 “Writing allows us to hold our life in our hands and making something of it. We grow a piece of writing not only by jotting notes and writing rough drafts but also by noticing, wondering, remembering,questioning, yearning.” The Art of Teaching Writing Lucy McCormick Calkins

12 “…as human beings we write to communicate, plan, petition, remember, announce, list, imagine…but above all, we write to hold our lives in our hands and to make something of them…Writing allows us to turn the chaos(of our live) into something beautiful, to frame selected moments to uncover and celebrate the organizing patterns of our existence.” The Art of Teaching Writing Lucy McCormick Calkins

13 “Writing is an act of faith: faith that what I have to say, how I see the world, are important. I listen. I see. I feel and I record. Keeping the words flowing is an act of faith.” Writing Toward Home Georgia Heard

14 Writing makes us better teachers. When students see how we struggle, organize, think, reread, revise, edit, and get ideas with and through our writing, they ares upported in their writing. Literacy at the Crossroads Regie Routman

15 “The simple fact is we have to see ourselves as writers if we are to teach writing well. This is no easy feat. Doing the task and feeling competent at it are two different things. “ Writing Essentials Regie Routman

16 Write to… Write Source: 2000

17 Getting Started…. Writer’s Notebook Writing Process

18 Writer’s Notebook “…get in the habit of paying attention to your world and writing down what you notice…” Ralph Fletcher

19 “Imagine your raw notebook material as mineralized rocks you have dragged home.” Ralph Fletcher

20 Who are these people” Ralph Fletcher Natalie Goldberg Regie Routman Lucie McCormick Calkins Paul Fleichman Nancy Atwell Julia Cameron Georgia Heard

21 Your guide… A Writer’s Notebook: Unlocking the Writer Within You, Ralph Fletcher, 1996. Write Source Series-Great Source (Find the ones in your school)

22 When you look as yourself as a writer… How do you feel when you get started? What keeps you going? Why do you stop? When do you stop? What kind of “talk” goes through your head when you write?

23 Living like a writer…  What does it look like?  What tools do you need?  What helps you get moving? *environment (music, desk, bed, couch, away from work environment (or not),with/out coffee, places for thoughts *devices-pen, spiral notebook, pretty notebook, lined/unlined

24 Audience + Purpose

25 Your Assignment Keeping Your Notebook Write Daily At least 10”

26 “Stuff” for your notebook… Details around you Sensory impact “Seed notes” “Mind pictures” “Gems you hear” Memories Clips from newspaper, magazines Lines from stories Pictures/snapshots/photos (scrapbook)

27 Fluency

28 Getting Started with the Writing Process Prewriting Drafting Getting your thoughts on paper

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