With Adiev Alexander and Jack Trinch We bring you this breaking news story.

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2 With Adiev Alexander and Jack Trinch We bring you this breaking news story

3 ISIL fighters driven out of Iraq's Beiji By: Adiev and Jack

4 Who ISIL( Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant) who are being driven out of Iraq's Beiji by the Iraqi government and army.

5 Where  This happened in town of Beiji, northern Iraq and near by oil refinery.

6 What  Iraqi government forces get control of key town Beiji and near by oil refinery and drive out ISIL fighters. One of Iraq's biggest oil refineries is controlled by ISIL and is danger of being damaged.

7 When  This is currently happening the page was last updated November 14, 2014  They have been fighting since June when ISIL started attacking this area

8 Why  This is where the country has it’s biggest oil refinery, the government is trying to get it back from ISIL militants. This is not good because ISIL is planting bombs and controlling the oil refinery so they are being driven out of Iraq.

9 Our Opinion  Our opinion is that ISIL took over this area for money or power. We also think they might have done it to be more world renown. This area is very important because there is an oil refinery there. They could have used the oil for militant resources. We think ISIL is wrong. Everyone should be able to have their own beliefs.

10 Other Perspective  ISIL may think they have a right to the land or ownership, or that the U.S. doesn’t belong there. Maybe ISIL has such strong beliefs that they actually have hard proof that their religion is correct or the only right one.  Thank you for watching. We’ll see you here tomorrow at 11pm.

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