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WHAT CAUSES AIR POLLUTION? CHAPTER 12. Primary and Secondary Pollutants Air pollutants are airborne particles and gasses that occur in concentrations.

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2 Primary and Secondary Pollutants Air pollutants are airborne particles and gasses that occur in concentrations that endanger the heath and well-being of organisms or disrupt the orderly functioning of the environment. Pollutants can be grouped into two categories: – (1) primary pollutants, which are emitted directly from identifiable sources. Example soot from smoke – (2) secondary pollutants, which are produced in the atmosphere when certain chemical reactions take place among primary pollutants. – An example of a secondary pollutant is ground-level ozone. It forms when the emissions from cars, trucks, and natural sources react with the ultraviolet rays of the sun and then mix with the oxygen in the atmospshsere.

3 Sources of Emissions of Air Pollutants

4 Primary Air Pollutants (Refer to Table I in your text book Page number 304)

5 Reducing Auto Emissions In the 1970s, Honda developed the CVCC (Controlled Vortex Combustion Chamber) engine. Aside from being exceptionally fuel efficient, this engine burned fuel so cleanly that it did not require a catalytic converter. Since then automakers have devised many more methods to reduce auto emissions. What improvements are planned to meet the tougher emission standards of the future?

6 Electric car Honda Civic Hybrid Car Solar car Dual fuel system cars (natural gas or gasoline)

7 Motor Vehicle Emissions Almost one third of our air pollution comes from gasoline burned by vehicles. The Clean Air Act was Passed in 1970 and strengthened in 1990, gives the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the authority to regulate vehicle emissions in the United States. As a result of this act, lead pollution has been reduced by more than 90 percent in the United Sstates

8 Pollution from a refinery The refinery shown above is a source of volatile organic compounds.

9 California zero-emission Vehicle Program In 1990, the California Air Resources Board established the zero emission vehicle (ZEV) program. Zero-emission vehicles are vehicles that have no tailpipe emissions, no emissions from gasoline, and no emission-control systems that deteriorate over time. By the year 2016, 16 percent of all vehicles sold in California are required to be zero-emission vehicles. Vehicles powered by hydrogen are being developed and will qualify as zero emission vehicles. Research and find out about “the Yellow Bikes Program” In 1990, the California Air Resources Board established the zero emission vehicle (ZEV) program. Zero-emission vehicles are vehicles that have no tailpipe emissions, no emissions from gasoline, and no emission-control systems that deteriorate over time. By the year 2016, 16 percent of all vehicles sold in California are required to be zero-emission vehicles. Vehicles powered by hydrogen are being developed and will qualify as zero emission vehicles. Research and find out about “the Yellow Bikes Program”

10 Catalytic converter The catalyst material in a catalytic converter causes chemical reaction that changes exhaust emissions to less harmful substances.

11 Car’s Contribution to air Pollution Interior Car seats may be covered in plastic that contains a volatile organic compound called vinyl chloride Body and Frame Steel smelters send thousands of metric tons of sulfur dioxide into the air each year. Many auto factories in Mexico, Eastern Europe, and some Asian countries lack pollution control devices. Fuel Tank When filling the car with gasoline, VOCs escape into the atmosphere. Exhaust Car exhaust is a major source of nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxides, and hydrocarbons Each car releases 4.5 metric t

12 Industrial Air Pollution Many industries and power plants that generate our electricity burn fuels to get the energy they need. They usually burn fossil fuels. Burning fossil fuels releases large quantities of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide into the air. Some industries also produce VOCs, which form chemical compounds that form toxic fumes. Some of the chemicals used in dry cleaning are sources of VOCs. Oil refineries, automobiles repair shops contribute to the VOCs in the air.

13 Smog When air pollution hangs over urban areas and reduces visibility, it is called smog. Smog results from sunlight, air, automobile exhaust, and ozone. Pollutants released by vehicles and industries are the main cause of smog. Los Angeles, California, Denver, Colorado, Arizona are examples of.cities that have smog.

14 Thermal Inversion Read Page number 308 and discuss with your partner as to what you understand by the term thermal inversion and how is it related to air pollution?

15 USEFUL lINKS BX04E BX04E kVhE kVhE Hybrid car (pros and cons)

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