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 Speed Read  Pageant 11 ppt  Learn how to write a body paragraph  Practice writing body paragraphs.

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Presentation on theme: " Speed Read  Pageant 11 ppt  Learn how to write a body paragraph  Practice writing body paragraphs."— Presentation transcript:

1  Speed Read  Pageant 11 ppt  Learn how to write a body paragraph  Practice writing body paragraphs

2  Why?  Alien Sedition Acts  XYZ Affair  3/5 Compromise Clause  Revolution of 1800  Not really

3  Patronage  Left Hamilton’s Debt plan in place  Reduce military establishment  Louisiana Purchase  Wanted New Orleans and as much of Florida for 10million  France said how about you take New Orleans and all of the West for 15million

4  Midnight Judges  Judiciary Act of 1801  Passed last moment needing 16 judges  John Adams wrote commissions just before midnight  They were not delivered by Madison  Ruling  Thrown out because Marbury cannot go straight to the Supreme Court  The commissions should have been delivered because it is a presidential act  Judiciary Act of 1796 unconstitutional  Judicial Review established

5  Britain ordered that all European ports under French control to be closed unless they stop at Britain first  France struck back and attacked all merchant shipping vessels  Including USA  Impressment

6  British demanded four deserts  The Chesapeake refused  Britain fired upon the ship  Britain admitted it was wrong and Jefferson as peaceful as he was let it slide

7  No exports from the United States  Strong legislation enforcing it  Non-Intercourse Act replaced Embargo Act  Can trade with anyone except France and England  Macon’s Bill No. 2  Reopen trade to all if Britain or France Repeal its commercial trade commissions  France excepted  Britain refused  Led to Embargo against Britain  No more Neutrality

8  Declared war June 1, 1812

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