Age of Jefferson Change for the new country.. Differences in Party Federalists Strong, central gov’t. Rule by the “best people.” Distrusted total democracy.

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Presentation on theme: "Age of Jefferson Change for the new country.. Differences in Party Federalists Strong, central gov’t. Rule by the “best people.” Distrusted total democracy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Age of Jefferson Change for the new country.

2 Differences in Party Federalists Strong, central gov’t. Rule by the “best people.” Distrusted total democracy. Pro-British. Support private enterprise. Democratic-Republicans Middle-class and underprivileged. Power to the states. National debt was a curse. Rule of the people. (literate.) No spec. privileges.

3 Election of 1800 Jefferson defeats Adams, but …… Jefferson and Burr tie in electoral votes. House of Representatives decides the tie. (1804) the 12th Amendment cures this problem. Revolution of 1800. “A triumph of the common citizen over the aristocratic classes.”

4 Jefferson As President

5 Reversal of Federalist policies Secured Congressional repeal of the excise tax on whiskey. Cut back on military budget and reduced the national debt. (Albert Galatin) Secured repeal of the Naturalization Act. Permitted the Alien and Sedition Act to expire and pardoned those affected by it.

6 Repealed the Judiciary Act of 1801.

7 Continues some Federalist policies. “We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists.” Continued Hamilton’s financial programs. Reaffirmed Washington’s policy of isolation. Showed that a change of regime not need be drastic and overwhelming change.

8 “Midnight Judges” John Marshall becomes Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Attempt by Adams to pack the courts with Judges who were sympathetic to Federalist views. Marbury v. Madison

9 “to the shores of Tripoli.” Barbary States. “Millions for defense,but not one cent for Tribute.” Military recognition.


11 Louisiana Purchase Transportation of goods west of the Appalachians. 1n 1800, Napoleon secretly secures the territory from Spain. Robert Livingston and James Monroe negotiate. England or France Jefferson wonders? A small price to pay. $15 million.

12 Why does Napoleon sell? Problems in the Caribbean. No need for a granary. $$$ for his war effort. British naval sea power. Later payback.

13 A Constitutional Problem Constitution didn’t specify that the President could negotiate treaties for incorporating new land into the country.. No time for an amendment. Loose constuctionalist v. strict constructionalist?

14 The Duel

15 Hamilton and Burr Aaron Burr Vice-President of the United States. Grandson of Jonathan Edwards. His downfall. Politics and the duel. July 11, 1804. Treason.


17 Embargo Act of 1807 American ships could not sail to foreign ports and prohibited American exports to all foreign countries. Reaction to the war with England and France. Attempt at neutrality. Dismal failure. Why? Non-Intercourse Act of 1809.

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