FCLA Digital Library Services What is ETD? ETD : Electronic Theses and Dissertations A thesis or dissertation created and submitted in electronic form.

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Presentation on theme: "FCLA Digital Library Services What is ETD? ETD : Electronic Theses and Dissertations A thesis or dissertation created and submitted in electronic form."— Presentation transcript:

1 FCLA Digital Library Services What is ETD? ETD : Electronic Theses and Dissertations A thesis or dissertation created and submitted in electronic form by the student in partial fullfulment of degree requirements. or A thesis or dissertation submitted in paper and retrospectively converted to digital form.

2 FCLA Digital Library Services Why do ETD? For the student: More exposure More flexibility in content Good learning experience For the school: Less expensive Streamlined workflow Greater exposure

3 FCLA Digital Library Services ETD Partnership Graduate School Campus ITLibrary Sets policy. Manages submission and approval process. Runs submission system. Trains students in ETD creation. Cataloging and access. Longterm preservation.

4 FCLA Digital Library Services ETD System Student submits ETD Graduate school reviews and approves Library catalogs DL System And puts online FDA And preserves Library, grad school or campus IT Provides training/support

5 FCLA Digital Library Services Policy Decisions How will you transition to ETDs? –Pilot project with selected departments –Period when optional for all –Deadline for mandatory ETD Will you go electronic only (no paper copy)? What about signature page? What file formats are acceptable? Intellectual property and embargo issues (next slide) What ProQuest options will you allow / require? Will you contribute to NDLTD / other? Who will do what?

6 FCLA Digital Library Services Intellectual Property Copyright issues –student’s IP rights don’t change –permission for included material of others –including prior publications Embargo –future publication –patent application –what embargo periods will be allowed? –how can student change requested embargo? Need to document IP issues for students Requires publication agreement with university

7 FCLA Digital Library Services ETD Creation What file formats will be accepted? Review Thesis and Dissertations Guidelines Manual and Web instructions for changes Provide instructions and / or templates for MS Word –multiple versions? 2003 and 2007? –for LaTex also? Provide workshops and on-site support –PC only or PC and Mac? Make Adobe Acrobat available to students –site license for students or for library/lab workstations

8 FCLA Digital Library Services ETD Submission Student uploads file(s) and enters metadata Editorial office review Department approves – signature page Need publication agreement (license) What submission system will you use (and who will run it?) –home-grown –open source (OpenETD, ETD-DB, EPrints) –library vendor (Digitool, VTLS VITALS) –commercial (ProQuest)

9 FCLA Digital Library Services Some Submission System Options ETD-DB Freeware developed by Virginia Tech Usually run by campus IT Can export from ETD-DB to FCLA if desired OpenETD Freeware developed by Rutgers Can be run by campus IT or FCLA Can export from OpenETD to FCLA if desired ProQuest UMI ETD Administrator “Free” system run by ProQuest Can get copy of ETD and metadata for local use

10 FCLA Digital Library Services FCLA ETD Services Must receive ETD and metadata from submission system Will store and host ETD on the Web Will create catalog record by program and add to library catalog Will create PURL and insert in catalog record Will manage access restrictions Will provide usage statistics (optionally) Will send copy to ProQuest

11 FCLA Digital Library Services ETD System Student submits ETD Graduate school reviews and approves Catalogs DL System And puts online FDA And preserves Library, grad school or campus IT Provides training/support

12 FCLA Digital Library Services ETD Access Storage options: local submission system, FCLA, both Access options: local submission system, library catalog, NDLTD, other Library creates catalog record with URL (PURL) to online ETD Web host manages restrictions on access Copy to UMI ProQuest

13 FCLA Digital Library Services ETD Preservation Require / archive paper copy Florida Digital Archive UMI ProQuest

14 FCLA Digital Library Services Resources The Guide for Electronic Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) http://curric.dlib.vt.edu/wiki/index.php/ETD_Guide http://curric.dlib.vt.edu/wiki/index.php/ETD_Guide UF Graduate Editorial Office http://gradschool.rgp.ufl.edu/editorial/introduction.html UCF ETD Page http://www.students.graduate.ucf.edu/SITEMAP/INDEX.CFM?RSRCID= 55&SUBCATID=144 Electronic Theses and Dissertations: A sourcebook for educators, students and librarians. Coleman Library Z692.C65 E44 2004 John Hagan, ETD for Rookies http://www.wvu.edu/~thesis/Presentations/ETD_2008_Proceedings_P aper_Hagen_Newcomers_Session.pdf

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