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Care for youth and disabled persons. 3 types of training.-18: 2-year training, secondary +18 : 2-year training with exemptions diploma of secondary, higher.

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Presentation on theme: "Care for youth and disabled persons. 3 types of training.-18: 2-year training, secondary +18 : 2-year training with exemptions diploma of secondary, higher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Care for youth and disabled persons

2 3 types of training.-18: 2-year training, secondary +18 : 2-year training with exemptions diploma of secondary, higher education not finished + 18 :1-year course (Se-N-Se)

3 Secondary 2 years

4 secondary finality work as supervisor A2 Higher education = ' bachelor ' pre-primary teacher supervisor A1 occupational therapist social work nursing

5 secondary General lessons - Dutch (3 h) - French (2 h) - English (1h) - mathematics (2 h) - sports2 h) - religion (2 h) - geography (1 h) - history (1 )

6 secondary Specific education vocational pedagogy (2 h) Vocational Psychology (2 h) Remedial education (2 h) remedial education skills (2 h) Expression and animation (2 h) legislation (1 h) Biology of man (2 h) profession-oriented health care (2 h)

7 secondary Internship, training 5 weeks in 1 st year 8 weeks in 2 nd year

8 before the internship (Sept.-Oct.) initiation package familiarisation mornings study visits testimonials explanation internship choice motivation calls

9 Secondary 1st year Internship/training 1 st year 5 weeks internship with following persons: children or adults with mobility impairments, a sensory restriction and/or intellectual disabilities; schools for children/young people in special education; children living in a Centre for child care and family support; people with dementia.

10 Internship objectives. interest residents prepare, view and evaluate activities smoothly work with all team members caring tasks and material recognize and use theory in real-life situations observe and report reflect interest in the general working

11 administration /10 activity /20 observation /30 reflections /30 language /10 assignments

12 internship supervision at the internship: traineeship mentor from the school: internship supervisor 4 visits for evaluation

13 evaluation internship 1st year 50% internship 50 % assignments = successful graduate for internship

14 secondary 2nd year

15 Secondary 2nd year : lessons General lessons : same as 1st year Specific lessons : Expression and animation (drama,dance) Remedial education skills : (communication, Orthopedagogy(remedial education) Legalisation Vocational psychology Biology of man

16 secondary 2nd 8 week internship. The target groups are the same as in the fifth year and are complemented with : children/young people from problematic familial situations ; children with behavioural difficulties.

17 Internship objectives 1) Learner can handle a group independently: 2) Pupil can be enabled in the (ortho)-pedagogical effect: 3) Pupil works fluently together with colleagues and other controllers: 4) Conversations, situations and activities can be adapted by the student to the individual character of the inhabitants: 5) Pupil can reflect on his own action, on the functioning of the community and the broader whole: 6) Pupil uses social and remedial education skills: 7) Pupil picks up the equipment and care work spontaneously : 8) Pupil can put a link between theory and practice: 9) Pupil uses meeting technical skills:

18 The pupil will elaborate a chosen subject by observations and activities on internship, research work and be able to integrate it into a thesis (integrated paper). Make some reflections Not only the realized written record, but also the process and the oral presentation in front of a jury are part of the final exam. Assignments in the 2nd year

19 Internship supervision at the place of the internship: traineeship mentor from the school: internship supervisor 4 visits for evaluation

20 Evaluation 2nd year 50% internship 50% integrated test 50%General lessons 50%Specific lessons = successful graduate as supervisor A2

21 +18 : 2-year training with exemptions

22 only for students who have successfully terminated their 6th year and are the owner of a diploma of secondary education

23 General lessons Religion 2 h in the 2nd year Sports 2 h in the 1st and 2nd year Dutch 3 h in the 1st year History 1 h in the 2nd year

24 specific education 1st year : 31 hours/week 2nd year : 29 hours/week Profession-oriented pedagogy and psychology Remedial education ortho (ped) agogical skills Legislation Biology of man profession-oriented health care Expression and animation musical education Project work

25 Seminar work in small groups to a project,

26 Internship/training Both years 8 weeks

27 Assignments 1st year : reflections, prepare an activity, make an observation 2nd year : The pupil will elaborate a chosen subject by observations and activities on internship, research work and be able to integrate it into a thesis (integrated paper). Make some reflections Not only the realized written record, but also the process and the oral presentation in front of a jury are part of the final exam.

28 Evaluation 50% general lessons 50% specific lessons 50% seminar 50% internship/training 50% integrated paper = succesfull graduate as supervisor A2

29 +18 1-year education

30 Pupils who achieved the diploma of secondary education in the study area People-care can be admitted to this specialisation year.

31 Religion 2 dutch 2 Sports 2 Basic education

32 Specific education Remedial education 4 Ortho (ped) agogical skills working in Team techniques for working in a group of disabled people ( how to observe, make conclusions ………) communication techniques psychology 2 Legislation 2

33 Seminar 7h work in small groups to a project, Go on study visit, learn your expressive skills, learn rescue techniques and first aid, practice in teamwork...

34 Internship/training 12 weeks integrated test

35 Evaluation 50% lessons 50% Internship/training 50% Seminar 50% paper = succesfull graduate as supervisor A2


37 Thanks for the attention!!!!



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