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Integrated Systems + Principles Approach. Source: California Energy Commission (2000) Manufacturing Energy End-Use Breakdown.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrated Systems + Principles Approach. Source: California Energy Commission (2000) Manufacturing Energy End-Use Breakdown."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrated Systems + Principles Approach

2 Source: California Energy Commission (2000) Manufacturing Energy End-Use Breakdown

3 Energy Systems –Lighting –Motor drive –Fluid flow –Compressed air –Steam and hot water –Process heating –Process cooling –Heating, ventilating and air conditioning –Cogeneration

4 Principles of Energy Efficiency –Inside Out Analysis –Understand Control Efficiency –Think Counter-flow –Avoid Mixing –Match Source Energy to End Use –Theoretical Minimum Energy Use –Whole-system, Whole-time Frame Analysis

5 Integrated Systems + Principles Approach  Integrated systems + principles approach (ISPA) = Systems approach + Principles of energy efficiency  ISPA is both effective and thorough.

6 1. Inside-out Approach

7 Inside-out Approach

8 Inside-out Amplifies Savings Reduce pipe friction: Savings = 1.00 kWh Pump 70% eff: Savings = 1.43 kWh Drive 95% eff: Savings = 1.50 kWh Motor 90% eff: Savings = 1.67 kWh T&D 91% eff: Savings = 1.83 kWh Powerplant 33% eff: Savings = 5.55 kWh

9 Inside-out Reduces First Costs  Original design –95 hp in 14 pumps  Re-design: –Bigger pipes:  p = c / d 5 (doubling d reduces  p by 97%) –Layout pipes then equipment shorter runs, fewer turns, valves, etc… –7 hp in 2 pumps

10 Inside-Out: Example  Aluminum die-cast machines  Use 100 psig air to force aluminum to mold  Need 40 psig air  Purchase low-pressure blower and avoid compressor upgrade  Estimated savings = $11,000 /yr  Estimated implementation cost = -$47,000

11 Inside-Out Summary Outside-In  Small savings at high first costs  Focuses on support equip  Fosters extraneous and periodic efficiency efforts Inside-Out  Big savings at low first costs  Focuses on core products and processes  Internalizes and sustains efficiency efforts

12 2. Understand Control Efficiency  Systems designed for peak load, but operate at part load  System efficiency generally changes at part load  Recognize and modify systems with poor part- load (control) efficiency

13 Control Efficiency

14 Air Compressor Control FP = FP 0 + FC (1 – FP 0 )

15 Power and Flow Control

16 Chiller Control

17 3. Think Counter-flow Q T T x x Q Parallel Flow Counter Flow

18 Counter-flow Stack Furnace Pre-heats Charge Reverb Furnace Efficiency = 25% Stack Furnace Efficiency = 44% (Eppich and Nuranjo, 2007)

19 Counter-Flow Heat Treat Extending hood saves $40,000 /yr Burners Stack Current Design Recommended Design

20 Counter-Flow Heat Recovery Vinegar Pasteurization and Cooling

21 Counter-Flow Heat Recovery Counter-flow heat exchanger saves $17,000 /yr

22 Counter-flow Glass Heating Counter flow increases convection heat transfer by 83% Contact length = 2 x (5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1) = 30 feet Contact length = (10 + 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1) = 55 feet

23 Counter-flow Tile Kiln Tile Exit Tile Entrance Counter-flow tile kiln saves 33%

24 Counter-Flow Cooling Counter flow enables 50 F to 70 F water saves 10x

25 4. Avoid Mixing  Availability analysis… Useful work destroyed with mixing  Examples –CAV/VAV air handlers –Separate hot and cold wells –Material reuse/recycling

26 HVAC Applications Cooling Energy UseHeating Energy Use

27 Cooling Applications Separate tank into hot and cold sides

28 5. Match Source to End Use

29 Pumping Air Pumps Use 7x More Electricity

30 Lighting Eyes See Best in Sunlight

31 6. Theoretical Minimum Energy Use  Always ask “how much energy is really required ?”  Not much.  2.5% of primary energy used to provide energy services Ayers (1989)

32 TME of Industrial Processes Choate and Green (2003), Fruehan, et al. (2000), and Worrell, et al. (2000)

33 Parts on UV Curing Oven Slowed belt, shut of excess lamps, saved 50%

34 7. Whole-System Whole-Time Frame Design  Design heuristic derived from natural evolution  Nothing evolves in a vacuum, only as part of a system  No optimum tree, fan, …  Evolutionary perspective: ‘optimum’ synonymous with ‘perfectly integrated’  Optimize whole system, not components  Design for whole time frame, next generation

35 Whole System “ Lean ” Manufacturing

36 Whole System Energy Engineering “Optimum Pipe Diameter”  D opt = 200 mm when Tot Cost = NPV(Energy)+Pipe  D opt = 250 mm when Cost= NPV(Energy)+Pipe+Pump  Energy 250 = Energy 200 / 2

37 Whole-System Whole-Time Frame Accounting “Efficiency Gap”  “Numerous studies conclude 20% to 40% energy savings could be implemented cost effectively, but aren’t…..”  Discrepancy between economic and actual savings potential called “efficiency gap”.  Puzzled economists for decades: “I can’t believe they leave that much change lying on the table.”

38 Whole System Accounting: “Don’t Separate Capital and Operational Budgets”  Separate capital and operational budgets  Organizational sub-systems constrain optimums  Enlarge budgeting to consider entire company

39 Whole Time Frame Accounting: “Don’t Eat Your Seed Corn”  SP = 2 years (10 year life) is ROI = 49%  SP = 5 years (10 year life) is ROI = 15%  SP = 10 years (20 year life) is ROI = 8%

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