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STRATEGIC GOAL SETTING. Features of IEP Goals Observable and measurableConnected to assessment dataRelated specifically to needs identified in present.

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2 Features of IEP Goals Observable and measurableConnected to assessment dataRelated specifically to needs identified in present levels

3 Features of IEP Goals Address critical competencies that lead to grade level success (+post- school goals) Describe what a student can reasonably accomplish in a year

4 Academic Profile Components Inform Goal Development  Structural Analysis  Affixes (prefixes & suffixes)  Base words  Fluency  Speed/automaticity  Background Knowledge  Figurative Language  Content Area Vocabulary  Comprehension  Determine main ideas  Summarize

5 Reading Decoding/Fluency Goal Example Critical Skill TimeframeConditionBehaviorEvaluation Criteria with Procedure By the end of the school year given weekly opportunities to read orally and practice multisyllabic decoding skills Jane will read an instructional level passage with 95% fluency as measured through oral reading fluency checks

6 Reading Comprehension Goal Example Critical Skill TimeframeConditionBehaviorEvaluation Criteria with Procedure By the end of the school year given explicit instruction in “before, during and after“ reading strategies Jane will read and understand narrative and expository instructional level text with 90% accuracy as measured by teacher-made tests and written reading responses

7 Vocabulary Goal Example Critical Skill TimeframeConditionBehaviorEvaluation Criteria with Procedure By the end of the school year Using a vocabulary routine designed to increase use of academic vocabulary across all content areas Jane will read and define academic vocabulary With 80% accuracy as measured by monthly pre/post testing

8 RLA/21 st Century Learning Goal Example Critical Skill TimeframeConditionBehaviorEvaluation Criteria with Procedure By the end of grade 9 given instruction in how to apply a set of graphic organizers across texts in all subjects and a minimum of 10 opportunities per grading period Jane will interpret text, including explanation and drawing conclusions, about grade level content successfully 8 of 10 times as documented by work samples

9 Cross-Curricular Goal Example Critical Skill TimeframeConditionBehaviorEvaluation Criteria with Procedure By the end of grade 9 when provided an outline as a prompt and conferencing with teacher for each research/PBL project phase Jane will select 4 resources to plan, develop, organize and deliver a research/PBL project as measured per project using rubric and grade of C or above on final product

10 Strategy for Quality Goal Development Critical Skill TimeframeConditionBehaviorEvaluation Criteria with Procedure Determine a reasonable amount of learning time Incorporate an evidence- based strategy in the condition (that is provided or coordinated by the special educator. This is the specially designed instruction. State a measurable student behavior - not a teacher behavior! Identify a specific procedure for evaluating the behavior AND set a mastery level. Is it a critical skill? 23451

11 By the end of 4 th grade, Jane will read, write, order, and compare whole numbers to the millions place and decimals to thousandths place using a variety of strategies with 80% accuracy on tests. By the end of the year, given a behavior plan Jane will decrease non-compliant behaviors as measured by teacher observation. NON-EXAMPLES

12 By the end of 9 th grade, Jane will complete her English 9 course with no less than a C as reported on midterms and report cards. By the end of 9 th grade, given small group instruction, Jane will read grade level texts with 80% accuracy as measured by tests. NON-EXAMPLES

13 ACTIVITY: With a partner, you will write a goal. Incorporate an evidence-based instructional component as you write the condition. How will you assess and measure the goal? Is your procedure practical? Does it really measure the academic behavior? Post your goal to the training website.

14 Choose a CSO or Extended Standard 2 nd GRADE MATHEMATICS M.O.2.1.8 Model and justify the relationship between addition and subtraction (e.g., identity element of addition, associative property, commutative property, inverse operations, fact families). 8th GRADE WRITING RLA.O.8.2.05 From a prompt use the five-step writing process to develop a focused composition that contains specific, relevant details, and vivid, precise words.

15 Choose a CSO or Extended Standard Alternate Academic Achievement Standards (AAAS) M.S.7.5.ES.1 organize given data by category, frequency, and range. Technology Tools 21C.O.PK-2.1.TT.7 Student, working in a teacher-led whole group project, uses presentation software to illustrate concepts and communicate ideas. Or, address an impeding behavior…

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