Kiltsi Põhikool 2013. Estonia is situated in Nothern Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "Kiltsi Põhikool 2013. Estonia is situated in Nothern Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kiltsi Põhikool 2013

2 Estonia is situated in Nothern Europe.

3 Kiltsi Põhikool is located in West-Viru County.

4 Our school house is actually manor.

5 We have 55 students and 15 teachers.

6 The schoolhouse was renovated on 2008-2010

7 The most interestin part are the cellaris from 14 century and …

8 … admiral’s room.

9 In Kiltsi lived 1816- 1846 famous explorer Adam Johann von Krusenstern. His most famous work is an atlas of the Pacific.

10 In the manor park are many springs.


12 Through the Kiltsi flows Põltsamaa river.

13 Near the Kiltsi are Äntu lakes. On the Äntu Sinijärv has the clearest water.

14 Bodies of water in Estonia

15 In Estonia are many springs. Most of them are in the Pandivere upland. Sopa spring

16 Erupting spring Rebasmäe spring

17 Varangu spring

18 From springs begins many rivers. The longest river is Võhandu river. It is 162 km long.

19 Narva river

20 Estonian highest waterfall is Valaste waterfall (30,5 m).

21 Jägala waterfall

22 Keila waterfall

23 We have in Estonia about 1200 lakes. The biggest lake is Peipsi.

24 Pühajärv

25 Rõuge Suurjärv is the deepest Estonian lake with a maximal depth of 38 m.

26 A Lake Kaali situated in the meteor crater.

27 In our rivers and lakes live many animals… The beaverEuropean otter

28 European mustela

29 …fishes… Northern pike Burbot European perch

30 … and plants. Water lily Reed-mace

31 Marshes covers about 1/5 of the Estonia. Endla bog Viru bog

32 Nigula bog

33 Bog plants Drosera rotundifolia Rhododendron tomentosum

34 Cloudberry

35 Estonia lies on the shores of the Baltic Sea

36 Baltic sea fishes and animals. European flounderEuropean sprat

37 Estonian national fish is baltic herring.

38 Grey seal Moon jelly

39 Ringed seal

40 Water- every drop counts! The song - Jaan Tätte “The wanderer”

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