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Revision of M1&M2. There weren’t any swings here before. slide swings There was only a slide.

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Presentation on theme: "Revision of M1&M2. There weren’t any swings here before. slide swings There was only a slide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revision of M1&M2

2 There weren’t any swings here before. slide swings There was only a slide.

3 There is a pond. There wasn’t a pond here before. pond

4 口诀 口诀: 看到 before 想以前,单用 was, 多用 were. 看到 now 想现在,单用 is, 多用 are. now is isn’t are aren’t before was wasn’t were weren’t

5 填空 Look at the picture of our school. There ______ lots of little trees here. Now there ______tall trees. There _____a small playground. Now there _____a big playground. were are was is

6 There are many__________ fruits sweetsfish vegetables eggs clothes

7 This one is heavy. I can’t lift it.

8 This____ is ______. fatthin new old

9 They sell different things. They sell __________ fruits sweets CDs vegetables eggs clothes

10 看图写单词 1 、 You were in China for two _________.( 年 ) 2 、 There was only a _________.( 滑梯 ) 3 、 There are some _________.( 秋千 ) 4 、 There weren’t any trees here _______( 以前 ) 5 、 There are some _________( 鸭子 ). 6 、 There is a big _________ ( 操场 ). 7 、 There is a ___________( 小鸡 ) ________________________________ years slide swings before ducks playground chick There wasn’t a pond here before.

11 heavy M2 1.This one is _____ (沉) 2.I can't _____ (提) it. 3.They ______ (卖) food from lots of ________ (国家). 4.__________ (有时) there are _______ 餐 馆) there. lift sell countr ies Sometimes restaurant s

12 问答句连线: 1 What do you want? A. Thank you. 2 Here you are. B. I want a book. 3 Where are you going? C. Yes, it is. 4 What a big supermarket! D. I’m going shopping.

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