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The Past Continuous Tense Подготовила: Клыкова М.В. МБОУ СЩШ 92 Кемерово.

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Presentation on theme: "The Past Continuous Tense Подготовила: Клыкова М.В. МБОУ СЩШ 92 Кемерово."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Past Continuous Tense Подготовила: Клыкова М.В. МБОУ СЩШ 92 Кемерово

2 I was swimming. They were not. He was dreaming. We were not. Was she singing? Yes, she was. Was he fishing. He was not!

3 was were V - ing He TV at 2 pm yesterday. (watch) They a newspaper. (read) was watching were reading

4 Употребление Для описания действия, совершенного в определенный период времени в прошлом. Временной период выражен обстоятельством времени: - at noon/ midnight (yesterday)- в полдень/ полночь (вчера) all day long – весь день the whole week – всю неделю at 5.30 yesterday – в 5.30 вчера at that moment – в тот момент at 4 o’clock last Monday – в 4 часа в прошлый понедельник this time yesterday – в это же время вчера

5 Составьте предложение ответив на вопрос: What was she doing yesterday? She was reading a fashion magazine at 4 o’clock yesterday.

6 Question types (виды вопросов) He was reading news that moment. General question (общий вопрос): Was he reading news that moment? Special question (специальный вопрос): What was he reading that moment? Alternative question (альтернативный): Was he reading or writing news that moment? Disjunctive question (разделительный вопрос): He was reading news that moment, wasn’t he?

7 Match the questions and their answers: Were they listening to the radio all day long? What was she reading about? Were you surfing the net this time yesterday? Was he reading a letter or a book at noon on Monday? We were talking on the phone that moment, weren’t we? a book Yes, I was. No, they weren’t. About Tom’s adventures. No, we weren’t

8 Negatives (отрицательные предложения) He was studying English from 3 till 4 last Tuesday. We were writing a composition the whole lesson. not Make the sentences negative: They were discussing their problem the whole evening. We were drawing our plan at 2 pm yesterday. He was sleeping at midnight last Sunday. I was working out in the gym from 1 till 3 pm last Friday.

9 Use the verbs in brackets in the Past Continuous Nick … … a new story about fantastic events the whole night. (write) When … they … tennis? (play) Jane and I … … tea from 5 till 6 pm, weren’t we? (have) He … … cartoons this time yesterday.(not, watch) was writing were playing were having wasn’t watching

10 Thank you for attention

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