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WORK – LIFE - BALANCE. Over-committed Career Counselors: Walking the Tightrope of Work Life Balance MCDA Spring Conference April 20, 2012 Presented by:

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Presentation on theme: "WORK – LIFE - BALANCE. Over-committed Career Counselors: Walking the Tightrope of Work Life Balance MCDA Spring Conference April 20, 2012 Presented by:"— Presentation transcript:


2 Over-committed Career Counselors: Walking the Tightrope of Work Life Balance MCDA Spring Conference April 20, 2012 Presented by: Darren Kaltved, M.Ed. Barb Laporte, M.A. MCDA.42012

3 Agenda Define work / life balance Prioritize values Assess your current situation Strategies to reduce stress, regain balance Action Plan – your gift to yourself

4 MCDA.42012 Balance - a state of equilibrium A harmonious or satisfying arrangement of parts

5 MCDA.42012 What Is Work Life Balance? Work - your employment / occupation / career Life – encompasses all of what you value Work Life Balance: A harmonious or satisfying arrangement between your employment and all of what you value

6 MCDA.42012 Why is Work Life Balance Important? Benefits to Employee Better health Improved relationships Greater peace of mind Enhanced quality of life Benefits to Organization Aid talent recruitment Better retention Less abensteeism Reduced training costs Employees more energetic/productive Profits increase

7 MCDA.42012

8 What Are the Things You Are Trying to Juggle? Work Aging Parents Significant Relationship Children Friends Community

9 MCDA.42012 How Do You Currently Divide Your Time? YOU ADD VALUES ADD COMMITMENTS ADD % OF TIME

10 MCDA.42012 The P.L.A.Y. Response Prioritize

11 MCDA.42012 Given my present life circumstances and my values, it is most important that I spend my time….

12 MCDA.42012 The P.L.A.Y. Response Prioritize Live

13 MCDA.42012 What choices do I need to make that I can live with? To what things will I say no? To what things will I say yes? Ask yourself:

14 MCDA.42012 The P.L.A.Y. Response Prioritize Live Accept

15 MCDA.42012 Accept that... 1. It may not be perfect right now, (but this won’t last forever) 2. Stress comes from the way we perceive the world, not from the way the world really is. 3. Every reaction I have is a choice 4. Change requires commitment 5. Not everybody may agree with my choices

16 MCDA.42012 The P.L.A.Y. Response Prioritize Live Accept You

17 MCDA.42012 Ideas for YOU to Regain Balance and Reduce Stress 1. Breathe – slowly, deeply 2. Five minutes intentional alone time in morning 3. Choose to eat well 4. Indulge in a guilty pleasure once a week 5. Get some kind of regular physical exercise 6. Find the humor in the situation 7. Let go of perfectionism 8. Seek support / take advantage of resources 9. Be 100% present in the moment 10. Appreciate the mini-miracles

18 MCDA.42012 One P.L.A.Y. response I will choose to regain my balance: This week: Within a month: Within six months:

19 MCDA.42012 The best and safest thing is to keep a balance in your life, acknowledge the great powers around us and in us. If you can do that, and live that way, you are really a wise person. ~ Euripides

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