Overview of Active Technologies for Engaged Learning (ATEL) The Relationship Between Multimodality, Student Engagement, and ePortfolios Marc Zaldivar Director,

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Active Technologies for Engaged Learning (ATEL) The Relationship Between Multimodality, Student Engagement, and ePortfolios Marc Zaldivar Director,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Active Technologies for Engaged Learning (ATEL) The Relationship Between Multimodality, Student Engagement, and ePortfolios Marc Zaldivar Director, ATEL, Virginia Tech https://atel.tlos.vt.edu marcz@vt.edu NLI Spring 2015

2 Overview  How we got here  Why engaged learning centric  Where TEAL comes in  What we mean by ATEL  Examples of ATEL  D.S  Blogging  ePs as catalyst for ATEL  Multimodality of learning and creating NLI 2015 – ATEL@VT Presentation: http://www.slideshare.net/vtmarcz/nli-overview-s2015

3 How we got here…  Phase 1 (Pre-2004): On your own  Phase 2 (2004-7): Becoming systematic  Phase 3 (2007-12): Centralizing, department-focused, getting grounded, tool-centered (ePortfolio Initiatives)  Phase 4 (2012-now): Student- and process-centered, tools abound (Active Technologies for Engaged Learning) NLI 2015 – ATEL@VT

4 Why active, engaged learning  Some assumptions: 1. Learn best by doing. 2. Exploration and innovation are (should be?) key learning outcomes. 3. It’s a long-term gain we’re after. NLI 2015 – ATEL@VT

5 Why TEAL…  Networked metaphor  TEAL has collaborative, active-learning at its heart.  Active learning engages students in two aspects – doing things and thinking about the things they are doing. (Bonwell & Eison, 1991)  Scenarios a plenty: Problem-based learning, Kuh’s High-impact Practices, Flexible Classroom spacesProblem-based learning Kuh’s High-impact Practices  Many are still instructor- or class-focused. NLI 2015 – ATEL@VT

6 Why ATEL…  Active Technologies for Engaged Learning  Active Technologies ask students to do, create, reflect, collaborate, create.  Engaged Learning asks students to think about that participation, to become invested in being the primary site and source of learning.  Broadens our focus beyond ePortfolios to a range of related, active technologies. Experiential Learning Extra- & Co- Curricular Activities Classroom Learning Engaged Learning NLI 2015 – ATEL@VT

7 Examples of ATEL: Blogging  Blogging provides the quick, easy ability to write and share.  Ranges from private, journal-space to large syndicated “mother blogs.”  Ranges from prompted to “free-range” blogging.  Example 1: Senior Seminar, English: http://dylanseminar09.wordpress.com/ http://dylanseminar09.wordpress.com/  Example 2: Honors Residential College: https://blogs.lt.vt.edu/hrc/ https://blogs.lt.vt.edu/hrc/ NLI 2015 – ATEL@VT

8 Examples of ATEL: Digital Storytelling  Creating narratives of research and experiences  Can be a cyclic, reflective process  Asking for different modes of representation for ideas.  Can be personal or professional  Example 1: Architecture: What is Design?What is Design?  Example 2: History: From the corset to the girdle.From the corset to the girdle. NLI 2015 – ATEL@VT

9 Where do ePs fit in? Image from: http://c2l.mcnrc.org/ ePortfolios feature: Presentation of content Demonstration and understanding of change Representations of self and work ePortfolios catalyze the engaged student experience and the faculty learning outcomes. NLI 2015 – ATEL@VT

10 eP Example 1: Content http://www.walnutiq.com/ NLI 2015 – ATEL@VT

11 eP Example 2: Change Year 1 Year 2 http://ababoota.weebly.com/ NLI 2015 – ATEL@VT

12 Example 3: Representation Natasha LeadsNatasha Creates http://natashaleads.wordpress.com http://natashachadha92.wordpress.com NLI 2015 – ATEL@VT

13 Two dimensions of multimodality  Learning theory  Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences (1991)  Learning Styles: V/A/R/K  Context of the individual(s) and moment  Technology  Modes of representation  Image (moving and still), Sound, Text NLI 2015 – ATEL@VT

14 ePs and multimodality  Yes, ePs = multimodality.  Learning and modality  Various points-of-view on a single learning experience.  What happened? What changed? Why? What’s next? How can you best show this?  Various modes of representation available  Pictures? Video? Text? Color? Sound? NLI 2015 – ATEL@VT

15 Example: Teacher Education  Use of multimedia to express ideas in various modes Crystal Beach MAs in Secondary English Education and English: Professional Writing NLI 2015 – ATEL@VT

16 Putting it together  Focusing on active learning principles and engaging students in multimodal activities results in deeper learning for our students. Experiential Learning Extra- & Co- Curricular Activities Classroom Learning Engaged Learning NLI 2015 – ATEL@VT

17 Putting it together  ePortfolios and other digital artifacts of learning, created using active learning principles, reflect learning more meaningfully.  Active technologies, defined as those technologies that support and encourage active learning, can be used to heighten student engagement, innovation, and creativity. NLI 2015 – ATEL@VT

18 Critical Questions  How does an instructor untangle the contexts for the different modalities to be employed?  Should instructors be deciding on the modalities?  How can we shift from scaffolded learning to free-style learning using active technologies like ePortfolios, blogs and digital storytelling?  How can student engagement become a primary outcome of our learning environments? What benefits would we see to innovation, transference, and integration of learning? NLI 2015 – ATEL@VT

19 THANKS! Marc Zaldivar marcz@vt.edu http://atel.tlos.vt.edu This presentation available here: http://www.slideshare.net/vtmarcz/nli-overview- s2015 http://www.slideshare.net/vtmarcz/nli-overview- s2015 Examples here drawn from our student showcase and gallery: https://atel.tlos.vt.edu/student-showcase/ NLI 2015 – ATEL@VT

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