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Pedigrees and Genetic Defects Gaiser Life Science.

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2 Pedigrees and Genetic Defects Gaiser Life Science

3 Know Evidence Page 46 Why is it important to study genetics? Use complete sentences. After listening to the PowerPoint lecture, come back here and list evidence to explain why your answer to the above question is or is not a good answer. You may also use other outside sources to help you respond. “I don’t know.” is not an acceptable answer. Pedigrees and Genetic Defects

4 Clarifying ?s Information Page 47 pedigree - tool that geneticists use to trace the inheritance of traits – a chart that tracks which family members have a particular trait - tool that geneticists use to trace the inheritance of traits – a chart that tracks which family members have a particular trait - an abnormal condition a person inherits through genes or chromosomes - an abnormal condition a person inherits through genes or chromosomes Genetic Disorder Pedigrees and Genetic Defects Example: cystic fibrosis - condition in which the glands that produce mucus, sweat, and intestinal secretions do not function properly. Example: blue eyes and blonde hair for an inhabitant of Sweden or black hair and brown eyes for an inhabitant of Ethiopia Example: sickle anemia irregularly shaped red blood cells can not unite with oxygenC Example: hemophilia – a blood disorder that prevents blood clotting

5 Clarifying ?s Information Page 47 amniocentesis - Fluid from the mother’s womb is removed to test the baby’s chromosomes to help find genetic disorders. - Fluid from the mother’s womb is removed to test the baby’s chromosomes to help find genetic disorders. - A picture of all chromosomes in a cell tells if the baby has correct number of chromosomes and what gender the baby is. - A picture of all chromosomes in a cell tells if the baby has correct number of chromosomes and what gender the baby is. karyotype Pedigrees and Genetic Defects Ways to diagnose genetic counselor - a person who helps couples understand their chances of having a baby with a genetic disorder - a person who helps couples understand their chances of having a baby with a genetic disorder Summary:


7 Page 47 Clarifying ?s Information Pedigrees and Genetic Defects Summary: pedigree - tool that geneticists use to trace the inheritance of traits – a chart that tracks which family members have a particular trait - tool that geneticists use to trace the inheritance of traits – a chart that tracks which family members have a particular trait - an abnormal condition a person inherits through genes or chromosomes - an abnormal condition a person inherits through genes or chromosomes Genetic Disorder Example: cystic fibrosis - condition in which the glands that produce mucus, sweat, and intestinal secretions do not function properly. Example: blue eyes and blonde hair for an inhabitant of Sweden or black hair and brown eyes for an inhabitant of Pakistan Example: sickle anemia irregularly shaped red blood cells can not unite with oxygenC Example: hemophilia – a blood disorder that prevents blood clotting amniocentesis - Fluid from the mother’s womb is removed to test the baby’s chromosomes to help find genetic disorders. - Fluid from the mother’s womb is removed to test the baby’s chromosomes to help find genetic disorders. - A picture of all chromosomes in a cell tells if the baby has correct number of chromosomes and what gender the baby is. - A picture of all chromosomes in a cell tells if the baby has correct number of chromosomes and what gender the baby is. karyotype Ways to diagnose genetic counselor - a person who helps couples understand their chances of having a baby with a genetic disorder - a person who helps couples understand their chances of having a baby with a genetic disorder

8 This PowerPoint was created from Charlene Shea’s lecture notes by Tim Paterek. It is copyrighted and may not be reproduced outside the Vancouver School District. All pictures came from Google Image Search. To fall within the Fair Use Guidelines, this PowerPoint must be used within the confines of the classroom and may not be published back onto the Internet unless the pictures are removed.

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