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● Joab- a son of Zeruiah, Commander of David's army ● Asahel- a son of Zeruiah, as fast as a gazelle ● Abner-Commander of Saul's army.

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Presentation on theme: "● Joab- a son of Zeruiah, Commander of David's army ● Asahel- a son of Zeruiah, as fast as a gazelle ● Abner-Commander of Saul's army."— Presentation transcript:


2 ● Joab- a son of Zeruiah, Commander of David's army ● Asahel- a son of Zeruiah, as fast as a gazelle ● Abner-Commander of Saul's army

3 ● Joab and Abner decide to fight vs. 14 ● Asahel will not turn aside from chasing Abner vs. 18-22 ● Abner kills Asahel vs. 23

4 ● Abner who killed Asahel, Joab’s brother, joins David vs. 10-21 ● Joab comes back from a raid and is told Abner was with David vs. 22-23 ● Joab rebukes David vs.24-25 ● Joab secretly send messengers to Abner vs. 26 ● Joab murders Abner for the blood of Asahel vs. 27

5  Joab held a grudge against Abner that led to terrible actions.  We must forgive others if they repent.  “Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him,”-Luke 17:3  Holding grudges will lead to eternal consequences

6 ● Joab- Commander of David's army, killed Abner ● Absalom- David’s son, tried to overthrow David

7  David has an army, and they go to fight Absalom’s army. Vs. 1  David warns Joab and everyone not to harm Absalom. Vs. 5  Absalom get’s his head caught in a tree, and a man sees it and tells Joab. Vs. 10.  Joab rebukes the man, but the man still refuses to kill Absalom so Joab kills Absalom himself. Vs. 11-14.

8  By Joab’s disobedience, he inspires disobedience in his young men as well.  Whenever we sin, we not only sin ourselves, but we may cause others to follow our example and sin.  We need to show integrity- doing the right thing when we think no one is looking.  God always knows.

9 ● Joab- Commander of David's army, killed Abner ● Amasa- David’s nephew, sided with Absalom by being commander ● Sheba- A worthless man who caused Israel to rebel against King David

10  David makes Amasa, his nephew, commander instead of Joab. Ch. 19:13  Sheba, who is a worthless man, blows a trumpet to gather people to rally against David. Vs. 1  David sends his new commander Amasa to get Sheba within a set time. Vs. 4  Amasa goes over the time. Vs 5  David sends Abishai after Sheba, and Joab’s men follow. Vs. 6-7  Joab murders Amasa. Vs. 8-10

11  Sheba flees to Beth-Maacah. Vs 14  Joab besieges the city. Vs 15  A wise woman speaks to Joab. Vs. 17-21  A agreement is reached. Vs. 21

12  Whenever someone hides, or assists, or approves of something evil, they are guilty as well.  The world supports, homosexuals, abortions, fornication, and much more.  Whenever we go along with the crowd by watching things we shouldn’t, we are approving of them.  We as Christians need to be the examples we should be. We are the lights of the world.

13  Sheba flees to Beth-Maacah. Vs 14  Joab besieges the city. Vs 15  A wise woman speaks to Joab. Vs. 17-21  A agreement is reached. Vs. 21  The wisdom of this one woman saved her entire city. Vs. 22  Joab becomes commander of David’s army again. Vs. 23

14  David is dying, and he instructs Solomon on what to do. Vs.1-5  Joab is David’s nephew. 1 Chronicles 2:13-17  David tells Solomon to get rid of Joab “do not let his gray head go down to Sheol (the grave) in peace”. Vs. 6  David reminds Solomon that Joab killed two men, Abner, and Amasa, in a time of peace. Vs. 5

15  We need to distinguish between war and peace.  When we are to fight, it is spiritually against evil things of the world.  “Take up the full armor of God”-Eph 6:13  We need to be courageous, and teach other people the gospel.  We need to also be peaceful, not against our brothers.  We should not fight one another, unless something is contrary to God’s word.  We should not fight over matters of judgment.  We should teach others.  Doing good things do not excuse doing bad things.

16  Hear – Romans 10:17  Believe – Mark 16:16, John 18:24  Repent – Luke, 13:3, Acts 2:38, 17:30  Confess –Matthew 10:32, Acts 8:3, Romans 10:10  Be Baptized – Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, 1 Peter 3:21

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