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Oedipus Rex Ancient Philosophy. Plot Initial scene –Plague –Infertility Creon returns from Apollo’s shrine –Unavenged murder –Oedipus’ curse Oedipus and.

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Presentation on theme: "Oedipus Rex Ancient Philosophy. Plot Initial scene –Plague –Infertility Creon returns from Apollo’s shrine –Unavenged murder –Oedipus’ curse Oedipus and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oedipus Rex Ancient Philosophy

2 Plot Initial scene –Plague –Infertility Creon returns from Apollo’s shrine –Unavenged murder –Oedipus’ curse Oedipus and Teiresias –Challenges Teiresias claim to knowledge –All Oedipus needs is mother wit—natural abilities

3 Oedipus and Creon Claim to knowledge-certainty –Knows who his father and mother are –Creon and Teiresias are plotting against him Murder Usurp the throne Claim to power –Weakness or witlessness

4 Creon Not so, if thou wouldst reason with thyself, As I with myself. First, I bid thee think, Would any mortal choose a troubled reign Of terrors rather than secure repose, If the same power were given him? As for me, I have no natural craving for the name Of king, preferring to do kingly deeds, And so thinks every sober-minded man. Now all my needs are satisfied through thee, And I have naught to fear; but were I king, My acts would oft run counter to my will. How could a title then have charms for me Above the sweets of boundless influence?

5 Creon Should not be convicted without appeal, On bare suspicion. 'Tis not right to adjudge Bad men at random good, or good men bad.

6 Oedipus I would not have thee banished, no, but dead, That men may mark the wages envy reaps.

7 Oedipus and the Chorus Brand not a friend whom babbling tongues assail; Let not suspicion 'gainst his oath prevail.

8 Oedipus and Jocasta The prophetic art is worthless –Story of the abandoned child –Murdered where three roads meet Three realms intersect Place of danger Things are not right vs intersection

9 Oedipus Intersection of three roads causes Oedipus to be come agitated O woe is me! Methinks unwittingly I laid but now a dread curse on myself.

10 Oedipus Asks if there were few or many? –There was the same number he encountered Did anyone survive? –Yes, asked to be sent into the fields Oedipus orders the shepherd to be brought before him

11 Oedipus Tells the tale of killing a group at the intersection of three roads Wants to know whether there was one or many robbers.

12 Chorus My lot be still to lead The life of innocence and fly Irreverence in word or deed, To follow still those laws ordained on high Whose birthplace is the bright ethereal sky No mortal birth they own, Olympus their progenitor alone: Ne'er shall they slumber in oblivion cold, The god in them is strong and grows not old.

13 Chorus Of insolence is bred The tyrant; insolence full blown, With empty riches surfeited, Scales the precipitous height and grasps the throne. Then topples o'er and lies in ruin prone;

14 Chorus But the proud sinner, or in word or deed, That will not Justice heed, Nor reverence the shrine Of images divine, Perdition seize his vain imaginings, If, urged by greed profane, He grasps at ill-got gain, And lays an impious hand on holiest things. Who when such deeds are done Can hope heaven's bolts to shun? If sin like this to honor can aspire, Why dance I still and lead the sacred choir?

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