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THE TONGUE 20 September 2009. Who said…? I am the greatest! I did not have sexual relations with that woman Well may we say “God save the Queen”; because.

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Presentation on theme: "THE TONGUE 20 September 2009. Who said…? I am the greatest! I did not have sexual relations with that woman Well may we say “God save the Queen”; because."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE TONGUE 20 September 2009

2 Who said…? I am the greatest! I did not have sexual relations with that woman Well may we say “God save the Queen”; because nothing will save the Governor- General This is going straight to the poolroom

3 Who said…? I am! I have a dream… Life is like a box of chocolates…. Ask not what your country can do for you- ask what can you do for your country

4 Overview Scriptural use of the “tongue” (for conversation) –What does the Scripture say? –How does that look if we take it seriously? –What might that mean to me?

5 Scripture says… James 3:1-12 In positive form – it can build/ edify/ comfort/ encourage In its negative form: - How great a forest can be set alight with such a small spark (vs 5) –think about situations you have found/put yourself in which illustrate the truth of this. (I like the boy, silly old ‘bugger’) How can both praise & cursing come out of the same mouth? (vs 10)

6 Scripture says… If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless (James 1:26) A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger (Prov 15:1) Be quick to listen, slow to speak (James 1:19)

7 Scripture says….. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (eg Matt 6:31) Out of the abundance/overflow of the heart the mouth speaks (eg Matt 12:34) Application? –When you think of someone – what comes to mind about the conversations you have with them? –What do you want to have come to others when they think of their conversations with you?

8 God converses with us.. How does God speak to us – ‘rhema’ the “living word” – do we listen? He also asks us to talk to Him (prayer) Application Do we actually converse with God or do we treat Him like we often treat others – say/get what we want and move on?

9 Conversation skills Conversation –Talk, interchange of thoughts and words (Oxford Dictionary) Most people ‘talk’ – but few people really converse!

10 Conversing..? Its been said that: When you are talking you are only repeating what you already know. When you listen you may learn something! Who do you like talking with? WHY?? I suspect its because they ask you about yourself? Do you ever ask them about how they’re going?

11 Conversation or Combat? Do you really listen - what are they really saying, is it clear to me, is there something that they are hoping I will ask etc? OR.. Do I treat ‘conversation’ like playing a card game (say ‘500’) – I see your card, how can I beat that?

12 Conversing? Reflective listening? Try having a conversation where you only talk about the other person and the topics they nominate (& you’ll see how often people actually ask you about yourself) Christians aren’t to sing their own praises, they are to sing the praises of each other

13 The Bible says no to…. Gossiping (what is gossip? Oxford Dictionary says..) –Idle talker, newsmonger, tattler, –Idle talk, groundless rumours, tittle-tattle; easy unconstrained talk or writing especially about persons or social incidents… Idle chatter Filthy talk Lies/false witness Taking the Lord’s name in vain Angry words ?

14 Children Sticks and stones will break your bones but names will never hurt you WRONG – especially when it comes to children Parents, we need to be so careful about the off- hand comments we make to – or within earshot of, our children; they can have life-long impacts! –Eg “oh, s/he’s the dumb one!” OR –“She’s not as pretty as her sister” OR –“I wish you’d just go away” –etc

15 It comes down to…. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”

16 In Conclusion… 1.God has given us a tongue for conversation 2.He has also given us guidance on how to use that ability —By all means use it to speak with God and ‘man’ – but be careful – in both instances - to then listen to their replies —Use it to edify, build up, encourage and exhort… —..not for gossiping, lying, malicious or angry talk, & — be particularly careful with your tongue around children 3.Is your tongue/conversation edifying or selfish? —If you want to grow, take this aspect of your life seriously

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