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Tissues: The Living Fabric Anatomy & Physiology. Tissues H covering H support H movement H control.

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Presentation on theme: "Tissues: The Living Fabric Anatomy & Physiology. Tissues H covering H support H movement H control."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tissues: The Living Fabric Anatomy & Physiology

2 Tissues H covering H support H movement H control

3 H Tissues: groups of closely associated cells that are similar in structure and perform a common or related function

4 Histology H study of tissues

5 Epithelial Functions H Protection H Absorption H Filtration H Excretion

6 Specialized Characteristics H Cellularity H Contacts H Polarity H Avascularit y H Basement membrane

7 Classification Criteria H Cell Shape - squamous - cuboidal - columnar H Cell Arrangement - simple - stratified

8 Simple Epithelia H Simple squamous: thin, permeable H Simple cuboidal: secretion, absorption

9 H Simple Columnar: secretion, absorption; microvilli, goblet cells

10 H P seudostratified Columnar: secretion, absorption; respiratory tract

11 Stratified Epithelia H Stratified Squamous - thick - protective

12 H Stratified Cuboidal - rare - large ducts of some glands

13 H Stratified Columnar - rare - large ducts, some glands

14 H Transitional - lining of urinary organs - stretchable

15 Connective Tissue H Most abundant & widely distributed tissue H Binding & support, protection, insulation H Widely separated cells with abundant intercellular matrix H Matrix fibers: collagen, elastic, reticular

16 Soft Connective Tissue H Areolar: wraps and cushions organs, nerves H Adipose: fat, food/energy reserve, insulation, padding; under skin, around eyes, kidneys H Reticular: soft internal skeleton of lymph nodes, spleen, bone

17 Dense Regular Connective Tissue H Withstands tension in one direction H Tendons, ligaments, fasciae, aponeuroses

18 Dense Irregular Connective Tissue H Withstands tension in multiple directions H Dermis of skin, digestive tract, fibrous capsule of organs and joints

19 Hard Connective Tissue H Cartilage: tough, elastic material found between vertebrae, at ends of long bones, nose, ears, larynx H No nerves H Poor blood supply H Heals poorly

20 Hyaline Cartilage H Embryonic skeleton H End of long bones H Ribs H Nose H Trachea H Larynx H Support, reinforce, cushions

21 Elastic Cartilage H Ear H Epiglottis H Maintains shape H Allows flexibility

22 Fibrocartilage H Intervertebral discs H Pubic symphysis H Discs of knee joints H Strength and absorption of compressive shock

23 Osseus/Bone H Calcium salts H Nerves H Blood vessels H Body structure/support H Calcium storage H Hematopoiesis

24 Nervous Tissue H Made up of special cells called neurons and neuroglia (support cells) H Transmits messages throughout the body H Reacts to stimuli H Brain, spinal cord, nerves

25 Muscle Tissue H Highly cellular H Well vascularized H Power and movement through contractions H 3 types

26 Skeletal Muscle H Attaches to bone H Striated H Voluntary

27 Cardiac Muscle H Causes heart to beat H Striated H Involuntary

28 Visceral/Smooth H In walls of hollow, internal organs H Digestive tract, urinary tract, uterus, blood vessels H No striations H Involuntary

29 Epithelial Membranes H Combinations of epithelial tissue and connective tissues H 5 types

30 Mucous Membrane H Lines body cavities H “Wet” membrane H Absorption and secretion

31 Serous Membrane H Lines closed body cavities H Secretes serous fluid H Protects against friction H Pleura, peritoneum, pericardium

32 Synovial Membrane H Fibrous tissue that lines the cavities of freely movable joints

33 Dense Fibrous Membrane H Tough, opaque H Protection H Dura mater, periosteum, sclera

34 Cutaneous Membrane H “Dry” membrane H Skin

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