1 Choking Pakistan ICITAP. Learning Objectives Know the signs and symptoms of a choking victim Know how to give First Aid to a conscious or unconscious.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Choking Pakistan ICITAP. Learning Objectives Know the signs and symptoms of a choking victim Know how to give First Aid to a conscious or unconscious."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Choking Pakistan ICITAP

2 Learning Objectives Know the signs and symptoms of a choking victim Know how to give First Aid to a conscious or unconscious choking victim Learn how to perform the Heimlich Maneuver 3

3 Introduction 3,000 adults die each year as a result of choking on food When food gets stuck in your throat, it becomes difficult to breathe If the airway becomes completely blocked, it can take less than 1 minute to die Choking is a true medical emergency that requires immediate action. Hesitation could make the difference between life and death. The Heimlich Maneuver is used to dislodge the object when it completely blocks the airway 2

4 Choking 4 The universal sign for choking

5 Before doing anything : The universal sign of chocking Ask the casualty if he can speak Listen for cough or wheezing Check for difficulty in breathing Ask the person if they are choking Reassure the victim that you are there to help Ask the patient if he can speak 5 Conscious choking victim

6 Determine presence of breathing  Coughing and speaking indicates breathing  Do not slap the victim on back!  If breathing is good: Encourage patient to cough while you continue to observe for changes  If there is NO breathing: Perform Heimlich maneuver 6

7 Request additional support Tell someone to call for an ambulance or yell for additional help 7

8 Heimlich maneuver 8  Have the choking person stand  Reassure the victim that you are going to help  Place yourself behind the victim  Place your arms around the victim's waist

9 Heimlich maneuver Make a fist with one hand Place thumb side of your fist against the middle of victim’s stomach Your fist should be between his belly button and the lowest part of the ribs Put your other hand over your fist 9

10 Heimlich maneuver  Using both hands, press your fist into the victim’s stomach and deliver 5 quick inward and upward thrusts 10

11 Performing abdominal thrusts Deliver thrusts strong enough to produce an artificial cough in the victim Continue procedure until object is coughed out or victim becomes unconscious Be Persistent! 11

12  Call for help immediately!  Place victim on his back 12 If victim becomes unconscious

13 Check for responsiveness Tap or gently shake the victim. Speak loud and ask, “Are you alright?” Don’t slap the victim’s face 13

14 Open the airway The tongue is the leading cause of obstructions in an unconscious victim By lifting the chin, the area indicated by the blue arrow remains open 14

15  Open the airway by using head tilt/chin method Unconscious choking victim 15

16 Perform a finger sweep Look inside mouth and remove any visible object blocking the airway 16

17  LOOK Rise and fall of the chest  LISTEN Air movement  FEEL Breath on your face Look-Listen-Feel for signs of breathing 17

18 Perform Rescue Breathing Maintain the head/tilt chin position Pinch the nose, blow two slow breaths into the victim’s mouth If ventilations are unsuccessful, reposition the head and repeat rescue breathing 18

19 Ventilating unconscious choking victim Blow two slow breaths into victim’s mouth strong enough to make the chest rise If your ventilations fail to inflate the lungs, the object is still blocking the airway 19

20 Performing abdominal thrusts  Straddle the victim’s thighs  Place the heel of one hand on victim’s stomach above the belly button and well below breast bone. Place your other hand on top of the first.  Your fingers should be pointing towards victim’s head 20

21 Performing abdominal thrusts Begin abdominal thrusts by pressing your hands inward and upward Use quick thrusting motions 5 -10 times 21

22 Repeat sequence until successful Perform finger sweep Open airway Attempt rescue breathing Perform abdominal thrusts Be Persistent 22

23 Questions? 23

24 Class Practical Exercise Practice some of the skills shared in this presentation 24

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