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Getting Organized for the Transition to the Common Core What You Need to Know.

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Presentation on theme: "Getting Organized for the Transition to the Common Core What You Need to Know."— Presentation transcript:

1 Getting Organized for the Transition to the Common Core What You Need to Know

2 What You Need to Know…  Districts are at different levels of implementation to the Common Core  All districts must implement the Common Core in 2014-15  New Smarter Balanced Assessments aligned to the Common Core will begin in 2014-2015

3 New Challenges  New focus on career and college ready performance  New expectations for high school achievement  Cross curricular literacy standards  The level rigor of remains the same but the CCSS have new performance tasks that will affect all student  Professional development needs to be teacher centered

4 Facts to Consider  The STAR testing sunsets in 2014 and Smarter Balanced Assessments begins in 2015  While getting ready to implement the CCSS, the current CSTs will still be based on the 1997 standards until 2014  Aligning the CCSS with the CST is not possible, since the current CSTs will still be based on the 1997 standards  The CST tests knowledge of content; SBAC will test application of skills to content

5 Education Code & Common Core  Ed. Code 60208 – “It is the intent of the Legislature to do both of the following: Provide to local educational agencies a process that involves teachers, and is consistent with the implementation of standards-based curricula”  The union and district should agree to the principle of collaboration and shared decision making that involves teachers for the implementation of the Common Core

6 Creating a Shared Union and District Vision…  Transition team with a majority of Union members, appointed by the union  Purpose: provide a collaborative structure for input and info for transition  Decide on transition team goals, objectives and responsibilities  District level review team for adoption of textbooks and supplemental materials with union representation  Determine the process for implementation, transition, and accountability

7 District Level Transition Teams  Purpose and structure - what would this look like?  Members – majority classroom teachers, variety of grade levels, subject matter, non classroom people

8 District Level Transition Teams  How should they be organized?  Grade level  Subject matter  Interdisciplinary  What should they be looking at?  Text complexity, higher order thinking skills, performance tasks and others  Infusing common core strategies into current curriculum on a trial basis without having predetermined outcomes of expected “product”

9 Using Readiness Tools  What do teachers already know? – survey  What are teachers professional development needs? – survey  What do parents and community members need to know?  Technology readiness?

10 The Educational Employment Relations Act ( Gov. Code 3543.2) The Exclusive Representative has the right to bargain mandatory subjects of bargaining:  Wages  Hours of employment  Other terms and conditions of employment

11 The Educational Employment Relations Act ( Gov. Code 3543.2) The Exclusive Representative has the right to consult on permissive subjects of bargaining: Definition of educational objectives Determination of course and curriculum content Modified schedules Selection of text books and materials Professional development activities … and, the consultation process may expand the “scope” of bargaining!

12 What is Consultable? Role of teachers on the transition to the Common Core  Joint Union & District Common Core Committee Time to collaborate on the Common Core  Grade level  Interdisciplinary focus  Literacy focus  Developing performance tasks

13 What is Consultable? Function of Professional Learning Communities  Repurposed Professional development needs Supplemental curricular materials Textbook selection

14 Expanding the “Scope” of Bargaining on the Common Core Bargain an article or MOU about the Common Core or Curriculum Defining a decision making process Defining Professional Development  Assessment of needs or gaps  Input from teachers or teacher led  How long  Standards for Professional Development  Duration work day  Extra pay beyond the work day

15 Expanding the “Scope” of Bargaining on the Common Core Funding Needs  Professional development days  Textbooks or supplemental materials  Release days Protocols for assessments  Formative  Summative Teacher Evaluation Role of School Site Council and revisions in the Single Plan for Student Achievement

16 Teacher Evaluation and High Stakes Testing 44662. (a) The governing board of each school district shall establish standards of expected pupil achievement at each grade level in each area of study. (b) The governing board of each school district shall evaluate and assess certificated employee performance as it reasonably relates to: (1) The progress of pupils toward the standards established pursuant to subdivision (a) and, if applicable, the state adopted academic content standards as measured by state adopted criterion referenced assessments.

17 Teacher Evaluation: Bargaining Implications Define what “progress of pupils towards the standards” mean Define what “as measured by state adopted criterion referenced assessments” mean Are multiple measures of student growth included? Scores are going to be lower for at least first two years This might impact evaluation outcomes

18 Teacher Evaluation: Bargaining Implications If interim assessments are used, bargain language about its role in evaluation Interim assessments are formative  How will they be used in teacher evaluations?  Should they be included in the evaluation procedures? How will administrators be accountable for the evaluation process used in the collectively bargained language?

19 Teacher Evaluation When CA signed a MOU to be a SBAC Governing State there are stakes for math in 2013-14 What locals should be aware of:  The evaluation timelines will have already started prior to the adoption of the Math Frameworks  Frameworks tell teachers what they are expected to teach  Question: how can teachers be evaluated on what hasn’t been adopted yet?  Teacher evaluation is still based on your current contract  Not recommended to include Common Core standards  Changes to the Evaluation Article needs to be bargained

20 Governor’s 2014 Budget Includes $1.25 billion one time funds distributed over 2 years for implementation of the Common Core Funds to be allocated based on based on prior year’s enrollment at $200 per student $1 billion dollars for 2013-14 to be equally distributed in August 2013 and October 2013 $250million in 2014-15 Must be spent by 2014-15 Use of funds for instructional materials, technology, and professional development Districts must develop a plan to spend the funds and hold a public hearing on the plan

21 Union Considerations for the Governor’s Funding for the Common Core Demand to bargain the use of these funds Funds are considered one-time, single use funds Don’t rush into purchasing textbooks  Frameworks still have to be adopted  2013 for math; 2014 for ELA Governor’s budget extends flexibility for another two years until 2015-16 The CDE has supplemental materials available for purchase for state adopted textbooks for ELA and math

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