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How do Zebras communicate? By: Mika Chang For: Explanations at school Production: Humming Bird Productions.

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Presentation on theme: "How do Zebras communicate? By: Mika Chang For: Explanations at school Production: Humming Bird Productions."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do Zebras communicate? By: Mika Chang For: Explanations at school Production: Humming Bird Productions

2 When Zebras are angry… Zebras ears signify their mood. When Zebras are angry they pull their ears backwards and open their mouth to show their teeth with a stressed expression…

3 When a zebra is calm, friendly, or tense… When a zebra is in a calm, or friendly mood, its ears stand straight up or in other words, erect, and when a zebra is tense it will also snort!

4 When Zebras are frightened… When it is frightened, its ears are pushed forward, to show awareness.

5 When a predator is near… When surveying an area for predators, zebras will stand in an alert pose with his or her ears erect, and a head held high, also staring. When a predator is spotted or sensed, a zebra will bark or bray loudly to warn the herd.

6 Thank you for watching my research on How do zebras communicate?

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