Swine Breeds Breeds, Origins, Colors, Characteristics.

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Presentation on theme: "Swine Breeds Breeds, Origins, Colors, Characteristics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Swine Breeds Breeds, Origins, Colors, Characteristics

2 Major Swine Breeds Duroc Hampshire Yorkshire Chester White Poland China Spot Tamworth Landrace Berkshire Hereford

3 Duroc Color-Red Origin-New Jersey Characteristics-Droopy Ears, Rapid Growth, Meaty, Popular Size-up to 1000 pounds.

4 Hampshire Color-Black with White belt around shoulders. Origin-Kentucky Characteristics- Erect Ears, Top Carcasses, long, meaty, Popular Size 750-900 pounds.

5 Yorkshire Color-White Origin-England Characteristics- Erect Ears, Top mothering-Prolific, Large Litters, Long. Size-800-950 pounds.

6 Chester White Color-White Origin-Pennsylvania Characteristics- Droopy Ears, Excellent mothering, meaty Size-Medium 600-700 pounds

7 Poland China Color-Black & White (6 white spots- snout, tail, 4 feet) Origin-Ohio Characteristics- Droopy Ears, Meaty Carcasses, Sound. Size-700-900 pounds.

8 Spots Color-Black and White Origin-Indiana Characteristics- Meaty, Droopy Ears Size-700-800 pounds.

9 Tamworth Color-Red, Origin-England Characteristics-Very light muscle traits, Erect Ears. Size-700-800 pounds.

10 Landrace Color-white Origin-Denmark Characteristics- Floppy Ears, long bodied, Good Mothering-Prolific. Size-700-900 pounds.

11 Berkshire Color-Black & White (6 white spots-tail, snout, 4 feet) Origin-England Characteristics- Erect Ears, Short Snouts. Size-700-800 pounds.

12 Hereford Color-Red, with white Origin-Missouri Characteristics- Meaty, Erect Ears, Gentle Size-700-800 pounds.

13 Other minor Swine Breeds OIC-Ohio Improved Chester Lacombe Palouse San Pierre CPF-Certified Pathogen Free Managra Beltsville Maryland

14 Can You name these Breeds? 1 2 3 4

15 Can You name the Breed? 1. Duroc 2.? 3.? 4.?

16 Can You name the Breeds? 1 2 3 4

17 Can You name the Breed? 1. Duroc 2. Hampshire 3.? 4.?

18 Can You name the Breeds? 1 2 3 4

19 Can You name the Breed? 1. Duroc 2.Hampshire 3.Yorkshire 4. ?

20 Can You name the Breeds? 1 2 3 4

21 Can You name the Breed? 1. Duroc 2. Hampshire 3. Yorkshire 4. Poland China

22 Which Breed came from Ohio? A. Poland ChinaPoland China B. DurocDuroc C. OICOIC D. HampshireHampshire

23 Congratulations-you are right! Click here to return to slide programClick here

24 Sorry-please try again. Click here to return to slidesClick here

25 Pig Breed Origin Quiz 1. Duroc1. ___?_______

26 Pig Breed Origin Quiz 1. Duroc 2. Hampshire 1. New Jersey 2. _____?_____

27 Pig Breed Origin Quiz 1. Duroc 2. Hampshire 3. Yorkshire 1. New Jersey 2. Kentucky 3. ____?____

28 Pig Breed Origin Quiz 1. Duroc 2. Hampshire 3. Yorkshire 4. Poland China 1. New Jersey 2. Kentucky 3. England 4. _____?_____

29 Pig Breed Origin Quiz 1. Duroc 2. Hampshire 3. Yorkshire 4. Poland China 5. Landrace 1. New Jersey 2. Kentucky 3. England 4. Ohio 5. _____?_____

30 Pig Breeds Origin Quiz 1. Duroc 2. Hampshire 3. Yorkshire 4. Poland China 5. Landrace 1. New Jersey 2. Kentucky 3. England 4. Ohio 5. Denmark

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