 Interest Groups. Introduction  What is an interest group?  People who share common goals and organize to influence government  Interest groups focus.

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1  Interest Groups

2 Introduction  What is an interest group?  People who share common goals and organize to influence government  Interest groups focus on specific problems unlike political parties  Madison warned against “factions” in Federalist No. 10  Are they adverse to the rights of other citizens or a way for citizens to interact with the government?  Why do people join interest groups?  People join interest groups to promote their economic self- interests  Due to their values, beliefs, attitudes

3 Types of Interest Groups Business Related  National Association of Manufacturers Agricultural Groups  National Farmer’s Union Professional Associations  American Bar Association  American Medical Association Environmental Groups Public Interest Groups Foreign Interest Groups

4 The Work of Lobbyists  Many interest groups try to contact lawmakers to influence policy – called Lobbying  They provide useful info to policymakers through personal contact and through testifying  Lobbyists help draft bills

5 Interest Groups Seek Support  Use mass media television, newspapers, magazines and radio to create support for their views  Members write letters to Congress to demonstrate public support for a policy  Limitations include competition w/ other interest groups and diversity within each interest group

6 Rise of Political Action Committees What is a Political Action Committee?  Organizations specifically designed to collect $ and provide financial support for a political candidate.  PACS began when federal legislation prevented individuals from donating very much  Federal Regulations for PACs  Register w/ gov’t, donate to five candidates, raise money from 50 contributors  No limits for Super PACs

7 Types and Strategies of PACs  Types:  Affiliated PACs: tied to corporations, labor unions, health organizations  Nonconnected PACs: not tied to any interest groups, organize just for elections  Strategies for Influence:  Promise campaign support for candidates who favor their policies  Give money to policymakers in the hope they might gain access

8 Super PACs and Dirty Ads http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43aaoFjI9S8

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