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Simple Interest. is money added onto the original amount saved (earned) or borrowed (charged). Simple Interest.

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1 Simple Interest

2 is money added onto the original amount saved (earned) or borrowed (charged). Simple Interest

3 Simple Interest Formula I (Interest) - The amount earned or the amount charged p (Principal)- The amount borrowed or deposited r (Rate) – Percent at which the interest is charged t (Time)- In years or months

4 Calculating Simple Interest Convert the percent to a decimal. 16% =.16 How much money would you pay in interest if you borrowed $1,600 for 1 ½ years at 16% APR? I = prt I = $1,600 x.16 x 1.5 I = $384

5 Shawnique bought a beautiful house for $350,000. Her loan was for 30 years at 6.5% APR. How much money will she end up paying in interest? 6.5% =. 065 I = prt I = $350,000 x.065 x 30 I = $682,500

6 Kent put $8,500 into an 18 month CD. The interest rate is 3.25% How much money will Kent earn in interest? 3.25% =. 0325 I = prt I = $8,500 x.0325 x 1.5 I = $414.38

7 Katie bought a new sports car for $28,500. She financed her car for 6 years at 6.75%APR. How much will she end up paying for interest on her car? 6.75% =. 0675 I = prt I = $28,500 x.0675 x 6 I = $11,542.50

8 Cody bought a new truck for $25,000. He took out a loan for 5 ½ years with 7.75% APR. How much will Cody end up paying in interest? 7.75% =. 0775 I = prt I = $25,000 x.0775 x 5.5 I = $10,656.25

9 Tia saved her $9,000 for 2 ½ years at 4.25% APR in a CD, to go on a month long vacation with her family. How much did she earn in interest? 4.25% =. 0425 I = prt I = $9,000 x.0425 x 2.5 I = $956.25

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