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Internship Orientation Career Services Center University of Alaska Anchorage.

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Presentation on theme: "Internship Orientation Career Services Center University of Alaska Anchorage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Internship Orientation Career Services Center University of Alaska Anchorage

2 Overview  Introduction  Courses  Your Eligibility  Internship Site  Getting Started  Timeline  Responsibilities  Next Steps

3 Introduction  An internship through Career Services is an opportunity for you to "earn while you learn." While we will help you find any opportunity to assist you in getting professional experience in your field, the Career Services Center is only able to oversee paid internships due to employment guidelines and liability concerns with limited exceptions for JUSTICE Majors. Get paid and get class credit at the same time. Student internships are a unique form of education which integrates classroom study with paid, planned, and supervised work experience in the public and private sectors.

4 What are you looking to do?

5 Getting Started This PowerPoint is step 2!

6 CSC Internship Courses  ACCT 295  ACCT 495  AET 295  BA 295  BA 395  BA 495  BA 695  BIOL A495A  CIS 295  CIS 395  CIS 495  CSCE 395  CM 295  CM 395  ECON 454  GEOL 495  LOG 495  JUST 495  TECH 495  VE 495

7 Contact information for Professors  CM Jeff Callahan :  AET: Peter Dedych:  BA Jeri Rubin:  MBA Bogdan Hoanca:  LOG Darren Prokop:  CIS Minnie Yen:  ACCT: Lynn Koshiyama:  TECH or VE: Angela Dirks

8 Don’t See Your Course?  CSC does not coordinate all internships on campus, please contact the Career Services Center (CSC) or contact academic department for more information  Career Service Center  907-786-4513,

9 Are you Eligible?  Must have a minimum of a 2.0 GPA (Students applying for an internship in Accounting, Management, Marketing, or Finance must have a 2.75 cumulative GPA and a 3.0 GPA in their major)  3 credit internships require a minimum of 225 hours of work at an internship site  * Some academic Departments require that you take certain courses before you can enter into an internship for credit  *International Students must fulfill additional requirements to be approved for an internship  Check with ISS and Career Services to see if you are eligible

10 Eligibility Continued…  Fall and Spring Internships  Must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credits for the semester  No more than 20 hours a week will count toward your requirement of 225 hours  Summer internships  Must be enrolled in a minimum of 3 credits for the semester  No more than 40 hours a week will count toward your requirement of 225 hours

11 Internship Site Requirements  Must be a legitimate business, company or organization  Interns must be paid at least minimum wage (Exceptions limited, i.e. JUSTICE Majors)  Employers must agree to complete two evaluations and participate in one conference call with the Internship Coordinator midway through the internship


13 What you need to get started…  Completed internship packet with signed Faculty Agreement. Packets can be found at Career Services in RH 122 or for TECH, CM and AET they can be found in your academic department  Copy of your Student ID Card  Copy of your Internship or Job Description, duties, tasks and learning objectives  Contact information for internship supervisor, company and one emergency contact

14 Timeline

15 1. Securing an Internship  If you are in search of an internship, please feel free to contact the Career Services Center and set up an appointment to conduct an “internship search”  Other places to look for internships are:  College Central UAA College CentralUAA College Central  Check out ALEXsys ALEXsys  Check your academic department’s bulletin boards and emails  Attend UAA Upcoming Career Fairs, employers come in search of recruiting interns Upcoming Career Fairs

16 2. Apply for an internship  Fill out the Internship application completely. Poorly legible, incomplete and partial applications will not be considered.  Applications must be approved by faculty. Make an appointment with your Faculty Advisor and have them sign the “Faculty Agreement Section”  Return completed application with a copy of your job description and a copy of your student ID Wolfcard.

17 3. Compete Learning Agreement and Register  Once you have submitted your application, a Learning Agreement between you, your supervisor, your faculty advisor and Career Services will be distributed for signature from an online program called ECHOSign.  Review Learning Agreement, sign electronically if all information is correct.  Career Services will wait for all to sign and work with you to get you registered for the course.

18 4. Schedule a conference call and complete midway evaluation  Once you are registered for the internship, contact the Career Services Center to schedule a conference call (907-786- 4513) with you AND your supervisor.  Complete the Midway Evaluation Form with supervisor and email this to prior to your conference call

19 Midway Evaluation and Conference Call Questions

20 5. Complete Final Evaluation and Submit Technical Report  Complete the Final Evaluation Form with supervisor and submit this form with your technical report.  Due Dates:  ALL TECH internship reports and evaluations are due the Thursday prior to the beginning of the corresponding Finals Week by 5pm.  Please see your internship confirmation packet for your due date.

21 Final Evaluation and Technical Report

22 And your done!  Congratulations, you have completed the online Career Services Center Internship Orientation.  Check with the Career Services Center to ensure you they have received all of your documents and wait for a grade.

23 Further Questions?  Hopefully we have been able to answer the majority of your questions related to the internship process at UAA. Please contact the UAA Career Services Center if you have further questions regarding your internship. Thank you and have a great day!

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