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Copyright © 2014 by Write Score LLC. Consonant-Vowel-Consonant: stop hug Double the final letter Add “-ed” or “-ing” stop + p + ing = stopping (not stoping)

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright © 2014 by Write Score LLC. Consonant-Vowel-Consonant: stop hug Double the final letter Add “-ed” or “-ing” stop + p + ing = stopping (not stoping)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright © 2014 by Write Score LLC

2 Consonant-Vowel-Consonant: stop hug Double the final letter Add “-ed” or “-ing” stop + p + ing = stopping (not stoping) hug + g + ed = hugged (not huged) Do not double the final letters ending in w, x, y, z (e.g., played, snowing).

3 Consonant-Vowel-Consonant- (ending in “e”): dance love Drop the “-e” Add “-ed” or “-ing” dance + ing = dancing (not danceing) love + ed = loved (not loveed)


5 shopping shopped hiking hiked smiling smiled snapping snapped

6 Write each word on the correct chart, then practice adding “-ing” and “-ed.” You each have your own words to practice with! Check each other’s work.

7 Guided Instruction Write each word on the correct chart, then practice adding “-ing” and “-ed.” You each have your own words to practice with! Check each other’s work. Partner A: time hope jog clap Partner B: drip bake joke nod

8 Guided Instruction

9 1.The baby was napping (nap) in her crib. 2. Jamal _________(race) to the finish line and won the race! 3. I ____________(dip) my spoon into the bowl of ice cream. 4. “Stop_______ (scare) me!” Crystal screamed at her brother. 5. We love __________(taste) new foods at restaurants. Complete each sentence by adding “-ing” or “-ed” to the base words so that the words are spelled correctly and the sentences make sense.

10 6. Richard __________ (zip) up his jacket before he went out into the rain. 7. “Please stop _________(chat) with your neighbors,” Mrs. Zelby scolded. 8. On our walk in the park, we ___________(spot) two owls. 9. We were ___________(wave) to our parents when we were on stage for the performance.

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