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NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE FOR KHARIF CAMPAIGN-2014 26-27 FEBRUARY,2014 Adoption of improved technology for efficient use of water, nutrients and.

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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE FOR KHARIF CAMPAIGN-2014 26-27 FEBRUARY,2014 Adoption of improved technology for efficient use of water, nutrients and."— Presentation transcript:

1 NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AGRICULTURE FOR KHARIF CAMPAIGN-2014 26-27 FEBRUARY,2014 Adoption of improved technology for efficient use of water, nutrients and plant protection chemicals. Group-II Farmer Welfare and Agriculture Development Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

2 Important Agriculture Statistics Agro climatic zones. - 11 Net Cultivable area – 150.75 lakh ha. Fallow land- 11.55 lakh ha. Area sown : Kharif - 118.59 lakh ha., Rabi – 104.32 lakh ha. Double cropped area - 72.16 lakh ha. Cropping intensity- 148 % Area under Irrigation – 36.5%, Rainfed - 63.5% No. of Holdings - 79.08 lakh, Holdings of Small & - 53.47 lakh (68%) Marginal farmers Area - 46.63 lakh ha (29.16%) Fertilizer consumption – 88.28 kg./Ha (2011-12) Power Consumption- 1.36 K.W/ha


4 Resources of Irrigation A- Irrigation Department : Actual irrigated Area under different irrigation project :-  2009-10 - 08.03 lakh ha  2010-11 - 08.90 lakh ha  2011-12 - 16.34 lakh ha  2012-13 - 20.20 lakh ha  2013-14 T - 22.00 lakh ha Minor irrigation project completed in year 2011-12 - 309 Nos. Minor irrigation project completed in year 2012-13 - 201 Nos. Potential created during 2012-13 - 1.26 Lakh ha. B- Narmada Valley Development Authority : Total irrigation capacity (Till March 2013) -3.88 lakh ha Irrigation project (Under Construction) - 10 Nos. C- Agriculture & Other Departmental Sources - 8.72 lakh ha 4

5 Physical and Financial Progress of Various Scheme - Year 2013-14 Name of Scheme TargetAchivementIrrigated Area in Hectare Physical (number) Financial (Rs. in lakh) Physical (number) Financial (Rs. in lakh) Tube well (ST/SC) 29431177.262041816.084082 Tube Well (General) 1250500.001232492.602464 Diesel &Electric Pump 5000500.005000500.0010000 Dug Well-65.158265.15164 State Micro Irrigation Mission 5473900.005334847.335334 Total3142.412721.1622044

6 Proposed Program of Various Scheme - year 2014-15 Name of SchemeTargetIrrigated Area in Hectare Physical (number) Financial (Rs. in lakh) Tube well (ST/SC)34741389.446948 Tube Well (General)25001000.005000 Diesel &Electric Pump100001000.0020000 Dug Well500400.001000 State Micro Irrigation Mission91211500.009121 Total 5289.4442069

7 Augmentation of Ground Water Water management and augmentation of Ground Water. Promoting judicious use of irrigation through sprinkler. Balram Talab and pond constructed under RADP for life Saving irrigation. Frequent irrigation in case of abrupt rise in temperature. Percolation Tank have been made 1310, Beneficiaries are 10720 & Irrigation potential is increases 7860 hact. Up to the Year 2011-12. After that no any sanction has been given. The progress of Balram talab last 3 years given below: 7 Sl.No.Name of the YearNo. of Balram Talab constructed Remark 012012-13 4804 At least 2 hect. Area may be covered for life saving irrigation 022013-14 4014 Under RADP since last 3 years 4485 ponds have been constructed. And total area 8970 hect. have been covered for life saving irrigation

8 Small pond constructed under RADP 2011-12 District Katni 8

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19 19 Item 2012-132013-14 (Jan. 14)2014-15 TargetAchieve ment TargetAchieve ment Target (Propo.) Sprinkler6308863052689963599868996 Drip60536011481323945829 Raingun7156937101431155 Efficient water use methods and Micro Irrigation Traditionally surface irrigations are being followed. Now since last 10 years cultivators are in a practice to use sprinkler, Drip and raingun for micro irrigation. Last 2 years distribution as given below:


21 DRIP IRRIGATION IN GRAM “AN INNOVATION” Farmer -Shri Santosh S/o ShrI Harinarayan Village-Chhoti, District- Harda Cell No.-+ 91-9926370106 Method - Raised Bed (120 cm.) Row- 90x90 cm, Plant-15x15 cm Cultivar- Dollar (Bold Seed) Seed rate - 20 Kg. /acre Sowing - Dibbling method Nutrient management through drip system ( fertigation) Yield - 48 q/ha.

22 During the 11 th five years plan 380 watersheds under National watershed development programme were sanctioned. Only 169 watersheds have been completely saturated. 211 watersheds are still unsaturated due to lack of funds. New mission on sustainable agriculture is going to start from 1 st April 2014. NWDPRA has been merged in new mission. Remaining works will be covered in the new mission. New watershed will be covered as per guidelines of NMSA. 22 Extent of coverage on watershed development and rain water harvesting

23 National Project on Management of Soil Health & Fertility” (NPMSH&F) has been taken up from 2008-09 to promote balanced and judicious use of fertilizer in conjunction with organic manure on soil test basis. The central sector scheme on Central Fertilizer Quality Control & Training Institute / Regional Laboratories has been subsumed in the scheme from 01.04.2009. New mission on sustainable agriculture will be started from 1 st April 2014. The component related to nutrient management has been merged. The present status of fertility the state low in nitrogen, medium to high in phosphorus and high in potash. Per hectare consumption of NPK 87.09 kg. In which nitrogen 52.53, Phosphorus 27.29 and Potash 2.63 kg. Distribution of fertilizer. Efficient use of nutrient

24 Objectives To facilitate and promote Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) through judicious use of chemical fertilizers, including secondary and micro nutrients, in conjunction with organic manures and bio-fertilizers, for improving soil health and its productivity. To strengthen soil testing facilities and provide soil test based recommendations to farmers for improving soil fertility and economic return to farmers. To promote use of micro nutrients for improving efficiency of fertilizer use. To upgrade the skill and knowledge of STL/extension staff and farmers and their capacity building through training and demonstration including demonstration on farmers fields regarding benefits of balanced use of fertilizers. To ensure quality control of fertilizers through strengthening of fertilizer quality control facility including training to enforcement officers of state governments for effective implementation of “fertilizer control order.

25 The GoMP has decided to provide first Soil Health Card free of cost to all 107 lakh farmers in the state during next 5 years, Soil Health Card project shall be execute under RKVY Approx. 12.3 Lakh Soil Health Cards have been distributed to farmer through existing STL’s. Initially scheme was to be executed on PPP mode. Hence Transaction Advisor all the scheme documents i.e. feasibility Study, RFP cum RFP document etc.) got prepared and approved As advised by DoIF, project will now be executed by Department itself. Modified documents are prepared and approved by the Competent Authority for inviting tender.

26 SHC Project Background The GoMP has decided to provide first Soil Health Card free of cost to one land holding of all 107 lakh farmers in the state during next 5 years. There are two parts of the project: –Appointment of Soil Testing Agencies (STA) for all 07 clusters (State is divided into 07 zones called as ‘Clusters’) who will design, build, finance, operate and maintain the facility for respective clusters for a project duration of 5 years –Appointment of single IT Agency for entire state to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the IT facility for the project duration of 5 years – to be undertaken by DoIT with assistance from NIC Note:- There should be a specific provision to execute the scheme by GOI.

27 Project Objectives Conduct one free of cost Soil test covering one land holding of each farmer in MP and provide Soil Health Card To determine and evaluate important soil characteristics i.e. N, P, K, pH, EC and Organic Carbon Provide recommendation to each farmer for balanced fertilizer use for principal crops generally grown based on the actual soil health Prepare GIS based different level Soil Fertility Maps – including Village level Soil Fertility Maps.

28 Issues regarding ORGANIC FARMING ORGANIC FARMING: To reduce degradation of soil, Checks environmental pollution, ensures sustainability of agricultural production & to reduces cost of cultivation " Organic Farming" has been proposed as a new scheme. Balanced and integrated use of biomass, organic and inorganic fertilizers will be promoted. Use of chemicals in agriculture would be continuously monitored and controlled to attain sustainable agricultural production by launching a statewide Programme. Use of locally available biodegradable wastes, bio-fertilizers, and bio- pesticides shall be encouraged to promote eco-friendly and tourisms friendly agriculture. Accredited testing and certification facilities will be established for organically grown agri-produce. Organic farming will be structured so that it will have a direct impact on improving rural sanitation State Government is promoting organic farming in a big way. For the year 2012-13 Target for construction of 12793 Vermi Compost pits was fixed against which 6000 Vermi Compost pits have been constructed up to March 2013 28

29 Efficient use of nutrient Fertilizer handling based upon soil test and crop need. 14.0 lakh soil health cards distributed Placement of Fertilizers- Basal Placement of fertilizers is encouraged and Seed cum fertilizer drill (…) made available at subsidy Use of of micro nutrients - To improve soil fertility Zn application in Paddy and Wheat is promoted Use of amendments ex.Gypsum is being promoted Constitution MP state Jaivik Kheti Parishad Use of organic manures Use of Bio-fertilizers- (JNV & ZSM should be proposed & recommendation for liquid bio fertilizers) Use of slow release fertilizer - Emphasis are being given to use Neem coated urea as slow release fertilizer.

30 Efficient use of plant protection chemicals Plant protection equipment - Back pack power operated Low volume sprayer- Mostly cultivators are not practicing to use power operated low volume sprayers. For efficient use of Plant Protection chemicals specific strategy are being prepared from next year. Light Trap- It is useful to monitor/control insect infestation due to high operational cost, commonly cultivators are not in a position to use it. In the new forth coming mission such as Sustainable Agriculture and Mission on Oilseed and Oil palm, provisions have been made for installation of light trap. Efforts will be made to cover maximum cultivators. Other adoptable technologies developed (1)System of Rice Intensification (SRI)- SRI in hybrid paddy is carried out in 1.80 lakh ha in kharif 2013. 40% area will be covered during kharif 2014. (2)Drum seeder Technology for direct Wet seeding of paddy were already demonstrated. In the next year maximum seed will be sown in the coming season.


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