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F OOD P YRAMID Stephanie Noss F OOD P YRAMID Grain Group Vegetable Group Fruit Group Milk Group Meat Group 100 200 300 400 500.

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2 F OOD P YRAMID Stephanie Noss

3 F OOD P YRAMID Grain Group Vegetable Group Fruit Group Milk Group Meat Group 100 200 300 400 500

4 G RAIN G ROUP 100 How many servings of grains should you eat per day? Answer..

5 G RAIN G ROUP 100 Five servings of grains every day. Game Board:

6 G RAIN G ROUP 200 What does the grain group provide us with? Answer:

7 G RAIN G ROUP 200 Carbohydrates Game Board

8 G RAIN G ROUP 300 What are the different plants that grains come from? Answer:

9 G RAIN G ROUP 300 Wheat, oats, rye, barley and rice. Game Board:

10 G RAIN G ROUP 400 We also get fiber from the grains group, what does fiber help our bodies do? Answer:

11 G RAIN G ROUP 400 Fiber Game Board:

12 G RAIN G ROUP 500 Are pancakes considered a part of the grain group? Answer:

13 G RAIN G ROUP 500 Yes! Game Board:

14 V EGETABLE G ROUP 100 How many servings of vegetables per day should you eat? Answer:

15 V EGETABLE G ROUP 100 Four servings of vegetables every day. Game Board:

16 V EGETABLE G ROUP 200 The vegetables provide us with what two vitamins? Answer:

17 V EGETABLE G ROUP 200 Vitamin A and C. Game Board:

18 V EGETABLE G ROUP 300 What does Vitamin A do for our bodies? Answer:

19 V EGETABLE G ROUP 300 Vitamin A helps us see in the dark and keeps our skin healthy. Game Board:

20 V EGETABLE G ROUP 400 What does Vitamin C do for our bodies? Answer:

21 V EGETABLE G ROUP 400 Vitamin C helps heal cuts and bruises and fight infections. Game Board:

22 V EGETABLE G ROUP 500 Phytochemicals are also found in vegetables, what do they do for our bodies? Answer:

23 V EGETABLE G ROUP 500 Phytochemicals are substances that help fight diseases. Game Board:

24 F RUIT G ROUP 100 How many servings of fruits per day should you eat? Answer:

25 F RUIT G ROUP 100 2-4 servings of fruits every day. Game Board:

26 F RUIT G ROUP 200 Fruits are a good source of what mineral? Answer:

27 F RUIT G ROUP 200 Potassium. Game Board:

28 F RUIT G ROUP 300 What are some fruits that are high in potassium? Answer:

29 F RUIT G ROUP 300 Bananas, oranges, grapefruits, tomatoes, apricots and pineapples. Game Board:

30 F RUIT G ROUP 400 Fruits are naturally low in _________? Answer:

31 F RUIT G ROUP 400 Fat. Game Board:

32 F RUIT G ROUP 500 Food energy comes from ____________? Answer:

33 F RUIT G ROUP 500 Fructose. Game Board:

34 M ILK G ROUP 100 How many servings of milk/milk products should you take in every day? Answer:

35 M ILK G ROUP 100 2-3 cups per day. Game Board:

36 M ILK G ROUP 200 Foods made from milk that retain their _____ content are part of the group. Answer:

37 M ILK G ROUP 200 Calcium. Game Board:

38 M ILK G ROUP 300 Most milk group choices should be fat-free or ______. Answer:

39 M ILK G ROUP 300 Low-fat. Game Board:

40 M ILK G ROUP 400 Is butter considered a milk product? Answer:

41 M ILK G ROUP 400 No. Game Board:

42 M ILK G ROUP 500 Milk products help build strong _______. Answer:

43 M ILK G ROUP 500 Bones. Board Game:

44 M EAT G ROUP 100 How many servings of meat should you eat per day? Answer:

45 M EAT G ROUP 100 2-3 servings per day. Game Board:

46 M EAT G ROUP 200 Are beans and seeds part of the meat group? Answer:

47 M EAT G ROUP 200 Yes. Game Board:

48 M EAT G ROUP 300 What is the nutrient that is used to carry oxygen to the blood is found in meats? Answer:

49 M EAT G ROUP 300 Iron. Game Board:

50 M EAT G ROUP 400 What is found in meats that is the building block for bones, muscle, cartilage, and blood? Answer:

51 M EAT G ROUP 400 Protein. Game Board:

52 M EAT G ROUP 500 _________ cuts of meat are low in fat and the best for a healthy diet. Answer:

53 M EAT G ROUP 500 Lean. Game Board:

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