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Chapter 8: Sensation & Perception

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1 Chapter 8: Sensation & Perception
Mr. McCormick Psychology

2 Do-Now: (Discussion) If you had to sacrifice one of your five senses:
Sight Hearing Touch Smell Taste Which one would it be? Why?

3 “Fraser’s Spiral”

4 Why does this image appear to be a spiral?
“Fraser’s Spiral” Why does this image appear to be a spiral?

5 Sensation vs. Perception
What occurs when a stimulus (change in environment, to which an organism responds) activates a receptor Perception: The organization of sensory information into meaningful experiences

6 “Fraser’s Spiral” In viewing “Fraser’s Spiral:”
What are we sensing? What are we perceiving? How do we use sensation and perception together to understand our world?

7 “The Disappearing Circle”

8 “The Disappearing Circle”
When focusing on the black dot, why does the outer grey circle appear to fade away?

9 Sensory Adaptation Sensory Adaptation:
Senses tuned to change; adaptable Responsive to increases and decreases of stimuli E.g.: Eyes adjust to darkness in a movie theatre Skin adapts to coldness of ocean water

10 What would happen if we did not have “sensory adaptation?”
Can you think of other examples of how our senses adapt to changes in external stimuli? What would happen if we did not have “sensory adaptation?”

11 Without Sensory Adaptation..
Without sensory adaptation, the human body would be overloaded with stimuli. For example, right now we would be feeling the constant pressure of the clothing we are wearing, the chairs on which we are seated, etc.

12 “The Stroop Effect” (Part A.)

13 “The Stroop Effect” (Part B.)

14 “The Stroop Effect” (Part C.)

15 “The Stroop Effect” Why is it more difficult to name the colors in “Part C.?” The “Stroop Effect” illustrates how difficult it is to ignore some kinds of stimuli You were receiving two stimuli – the color and the word – which compete and slow you down when you try to name the color

16 Review What is the difference between sensation and perception?
What is sensory adaptation? Why do humans adapt to stimuli?

17 Homework Read Chapter 8.1 “Sensation” Complete Section 1 Assessment
Pgs Complete Section 1 Assessment Pg. 213 #s 1, 2, 4

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