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By: Jacqueline & Bella 100 200 400 300 400 WarsDocumentsExplorersGovernment 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 By: Jacqueline & Bella

3 100 200 400 300 400 WarsDocumentsExplorersGovernment 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 When did the Revolutionary War end? (1783)

5 Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence? (Thomas Jefferson)

6 What were the names of Christopher Columbus’ boats? (The Nina, The Pinta, and The Santa Maria)

7 What is the legislative branches main job? (to make laws)

8 What caused the French and Indian War? (fighting over land)

9 What ended the Revolutionary War? (Treaty of Paris)

10 What were the names of the father and son who from Iceland to Greenland? (Eric the Red and his son Leif)

11 What type of government does the United States have? (democracy)

12 Who was the first Commander and Chief of the Continental Army? (George Washington)

13 How many amendments are in the Bill of Rights? (10 amendments)

14 Which explorer started the fur trade with the Native Americans in 1603? (Champlain)

15 What does the Statue of Liberty represent? (a symbol of freedom for people coming to the U.S.A.)

16 When did the French and Indian War begin and end? (1754-1763)

17 How many people signed The Declaration of Independence? (56)

18 Which explorer sailed to present day Albany? (Henry Hudson)

19 What animal represents the democratic party? (donkey)

20 What year did Britain and France go to war over land? (1754)

21 What was the Declaration of Independence written for? (colonist wanted to break away from Britain)

22 What country was Cortes sent by in 1519? (Spain)

23 What is the name of the First American Flag? (Old Glory)

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