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Proclamation of 1763 LAW passed by parliament forbidding colonists to settle WEST of the Appalachian Mountains.

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Presentation on theme: "Proclamation of 1763 LAW passed by parliament forbidding colonists to settle WEST of the Appalachian Mountains."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proclamation of 1763 LAW passed by parliament forbidding colonists to settle WEST of the Appalachian Mountains

2 Directly affects all colonists
Stamp Act LAW placing a tax on all legal documents Directly affects all colonists

3 LAW forcing colonist to house (quarter) British soldiers
Quartering Act LAW forcing colonist to house (quarter) British soldiers

4 British troops fired on a group of colonists killing five
Boston Massacre British troops fired on a group of colonists killing five (Crispus Attucks)

5 Boston Tea Party Protest lead by the Sons of Liberty where they dumped chests of tea into Boston harbor

6 Coercive Acts (“Intolerable” Acts)
LAWS that were passed to punish Boston for the Boston Tea Party

7 First Continental Congress
First meeting (assembly) All 13 colonies

8 Second Continental Congress
2nd meeting of all 13 Colonies Created a Continental Army George Washing is General

9 Declaration of Independence
Document that allows the 13 colonies to break away from England

10 “Unalienable rights” A right that cannot be taken away
Rights every citizens has “Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”

11 Thomas Paine’s book convincing colonist of independence
Common Sense Thomas Paine’s book convincing colonist of independence

12 Articles of Confederation
Weak constitution Weak National Government

13 Land Ordinance of 1785 LAW dividing land in the Northwest territory
into 6 by 6 square mile plots (townships)

14 Northwest Ordinance 1787 LAWS for the Northwest territory
60,000 people and territories could be admitted as a state (annexed)

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