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A Nation Is Born 1750-1800. Enlightment or Age of Reason Characteristics: -Valued reason over faith -Believed people were by nature good -Reason could.

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Presentation on theme: "A Nation Is Born 1750-1800. Enlightment or Age of Reason Characteristics: -Valued reason over faith -Believed people were by nature good -Reason could."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Nation Is Born 1750-1800

2 Enlightment or Age of Reason Characteristics: -Valued reason over faith -Believed people were by nature good -Reason could further human progress

3 French and Indian War Occurred before American Revolution -1754-1763 The war was named the French and Indian War because Native Americans participated in the battle. -YET: Indians fought on both sides

4 British Control King George imposed taxes upon the colonies to raise funds that would pay for the war. -Stamp Act -Townshead Act -Tea Act

5 Stamp Act of 1765 The colonists react negatively: -beat up stamp distributors -burnt stamps Stamps had to be adhered on 54 common items, including: -wills, legal documents, newspapers, pamphlets, and playing cards

6 Townshead Act of 1767 Taxed: -paper, paint, glass, lead, and tea Eventually led to the Boston Massacre. –5 fatalities –Heightened Colonist’s dissatisfaction –Parliament repealed the Act

7 Tea Act Gave an English company a monopoly on the tea market in the colonies. Colonists reaction: The Boston Tea Party

8 Coercive Acts The Coercive Acts were a result of the Boston Tea Party. Shut down Boston’s port. Stopped all annual town meetings. British troops were allowed to reside in colonists’ homes.  Colonists dubbed the Intolerable Acts

9 April 19, 1775 A day in American history called: “The shot heard around the world” Left 8 Americans dead The American Revolution had begun.

10 After the Revolution Articles of Confederation constructed the “league of friends”. Development of Constitution and Bill of Rights George Washington elected as President of the United States

11 Aphorisms: What is an Aphorism? -A brief saying embodying a moral, a concise statement of a principal or precept given in pointed words. Example: Haste makes waste.


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