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The Columbian Exchange

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1 The Columbian Exchange

2 “Before 1492, there were no tomatoes in Italy, no chocolates in Belgium, no potatoes in Ireland, no oranges in Florida, and no cattle in Texas.”

3 The Columbian Exchange was the global diffusion of plants, food crops, animals, human populations, and disease pathogens that took place after the voyages of Christopher Columbus and other European mariners. It has both positive and negative consequences for the global world.

4 Chart

5 New World Old World Domesticated Animals Domesticated Plants Turkey
Cattle Sheep Pigs Horses Domesticated Plants Corn Tomatoes Potatoes Peanuts Vanilla Beans Cacao Pineapple Tobacco Peppers Sweet Potatoes Squash Pumpkins Honeybees Sugar Cane Bananas Grapes Citrus Fruits Onions Olives Turnips Coffee Beans Peaches, Pears Grains: Wheat, Rice, Barley, Oats

6 What were the three most used food commodities and its uses?

7 What were the effects of new foods on people as a result of the exchange?
Europeans: Introduction of new foods Varied diet Population increases in Europe New markets for trade Colonization increased power and role as world leader Africans and Natives: Introduction of new foods and animals Forced labor Atlantic Slave Trade and migration of peoples Exposure to pathogens causing disease Loss of autonomy and land

8 Brainstorm the positive and negative effects the Columbian Exchange had on the peoples in the Americas and the rest of the world. Write a summary.

9 DBQ Activity Using the documents, analyze how early Europeans responded to food items of the New World.

10 Document 1 Comparison to Andalusia, plants, the set up villages, fish
Observations on the beauty Expecting to find many herbs

11 Document 2 Unbiased Observations about meal ingredients
Meals includes starch, vegetable, protein

12 Document 3 Manioc aka Yuca (not Yucca Tree) or Cassava
Native shrub/root to tropical regions Used as a carbohydrate Eaten boiled, deep fried or in stews

13 Document 4 Manioc is poisonous Must be boiled so it is safe to eat
Similar to other foods that are dangers unless prepared specially. Mushrooms Almonds Potato and Tomato seeds

14 Possible groupings Observations of land and meal ingredients (doc 1 &2) & New Crops (doc 3&4) Similar to home food (doc 1 &2) & different to home food (doc 3 & 4) Neutral (doc 2), Positive (doc 1 &3), Negative (doc 4)

15 Rachel Sarah O’Toole Assistant Professor of History, School of Humanities University of California, Irvine Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2001, History M.A., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1996, History B.A., University of Wisconsin - Madison, 1992, History & Latin American Studies Academic Focus: Colonial Latin America, the Andes, African Diaspora, Atlantic world, history of race, gender

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